1/2 spin Buddhas and vibing bowls
So another connection here is this. Gentle Tin is in the bronzes used in the ancient meditative god statues both east and west.
The day after the trip to the city museum, and with apparent great synchronicity,my curious friend Bob, who, in one of his forms, is a collector of Oriental stone and metal statuary, gives me an antique Tibetan buddha as a gift. It has a silver plated bronze base and robe. The shape is vaguely triangular pyramidal front to back rising from a copper plate base floor, though ovoid silver plated bronze lotus base walls through silver/ pale bronze body to dark bronze hair and crown chakra with a bronze point at the crown chackra .
The inside is hollow and heavily patined - clearly old bronze. So I've ordered temple monk chant cd's to work that amazing vibe, hopefully rattle up an old, purblind pineal crystal or two inside my resonating skull and sync in to this.... Finding correct resonant vibration is absolutely necessary and follows, i think, the Wallace analysis of the secondary accelerations for ag, he sees some of the process as a secondary "kinemassic" effect, approached analagouly to EM induction. From chants I've listened to , esp in the movie Kundun, monks always seem to start w/ the low shuman stuff from cd chants and amp higher off. Since I randomly found that Tibetan shop in Raleigh North Carolina, I've aquired four antique tibetan singing bowls.
The old bowls are said to be composed of a 3 to 12 metal alloy including mercury. Rotating and accelerating liquid mercury is the basis for the toroidal device in Wallace's second ag patent. I wil follow this with analysis of mercury,antimony, nickel and zinc.
Some sources state that the bowls are made from the seven sacred metals, corresponding to the sacred seven planets: gold (Sun), silver (moon), mercury (Mercury), copper (Venus), iron (Mars), tin (Jupiter), antimony (Saturn), yet others that a selection (of anything from 3 to 9 - depending upon whom is being asked) from a total of nine metals was used (the seven listed above plus nickel and zinc) and yet another comprising twelve metals. Legend goes on to say that the iron was sometimes replaced by meteorite found on Himalayan mountaintops, metal from the heavens, or that meteorite was added also.
Singing Bowls
Ritual Items
Himalayan Artifacts & Relics
The Tibetan singing bowl has been shrouded in myth and mystery throughout the ages and even during recent times. Even the name Tibetan singing bowl is a misnomer that has continued even to this day. Antique singing bowls were not only made in Tibet, but throughout the Himalayan region. According to renown singing bowl expert Dr. Mitch Nur, Ph.D, (www.sacredsound.org) most old singing bowls originated in Nepal and India, although antique bowls have been known to have been made from as far as Afghanistan to Burma. Another misnomer is that they were made from the sacred "seven metal alloy,". As far as can be known there has been no definitive proof that this was in truth the fact. The most plausible belief is that they were made of between 3 to 12 metal alloys, and that the metal alchemist used what ever metals were available in the particular region. Even more astonishing is the myth that singing bowls are Buddhist in origin. Many experts, including Dr. Nur, believe that singing bowls most likely originated in northeast and eastern Tibet, where fire cults existed among the Ch'iang tribes of Northeastern Tibet and the Naxi in eastern Tibet. These cultures had extensive knowledge and experience in metallurgy and the practice of shamanic rituals and techniques. It's most likely that singing bowls were used in shamanic rituals, for healing, shamanic journeying, storytelling, exorcism and maybe even the use of sound as an anti-gravity tool. These shamanic alchemists, were of the Bon animistic religion, which emphasized sacred sound in their spiritual practices. After Buddhism replaced the Bon as the main religion in Tibet in 12 century A.D., the singing bowl has been associated with Buddhism. The use of the singing bowl in Buddhist ritual practices has been held in upmost secrecy. It has been rumored that only the highest Lamas use and have knowledge about their specific uses in certain Buddhist rituals and practices. What we do know is that these marvelous instruments with their harmonious vibrations have the ability to take us out of ourselves, our ego, and bring peace and harmony to our body, mind and spirit. They have the ability to put us into alpha or theta brainwave states that allow us to access a quiet, peaceful state of mind, which oncologist Dr. Mitchell Gaynor believes has a powerful healing effect on our bodies, mind and spirit.
best regards,
what we are after in the analogies is CU/human aura LC
Sunday, October 3, 2010
पथ्वोर्किंग लिनेअगेस
How many lineages can one pathwork? His gurus spend their lives mastering one lineage, but R pathworks A MULTITUDE of lineages - so there seems to be a fundamental contradiction and disconnect in true knowledge pathworking. R reminds me of what Master Po called the young Kwai Chang Caine in the old Kung Fu television series: grasshopper. R jumps from lineage to lineage as a grasshopper jumps from grass blade to grass blade. Now if the grasshopper would just chew one blade down - he would discover that the juiciest and sweetest part is gotten after a long labor.... kung fu means something like "when movement meets with devotion" and in Chinese wisdom, when such is the case, it is known that a great natural law is realized.
best regards,
best regards,
--- In c_s_s_p@yahoogroups.com, Lee V wrote:
> Oh Gosh, here we go big time. Ok, please bear with me here Andrew as I appreciate the dialogue.
> Granted, complex manifold theory is used to define spacetime topologies. That's not exactly the same as saying that 1/0 is THE definition of the unified field. Now is it?
> Also, I'm glad that Einstein found the physical application for the tensor, but again, that's not exactly the same as saying what I stated above. And as far as some "genius" finding a physical explanation for everything from pure mathematics, with all due respect that so-called genius may be in your midst.
You must pardon me, Lee, but as Oscar Wilde said, I am not young enough to know everything.
But certainly retain enough curiosity to wonder how 1/0, "one thing divided by nothing," combines magnetism,electricity, gravity, strong force, weak force, AND, I'm sure you 'll agree, that strangest energy of all -- the moebius vortex of consciousness --- all as parallel forms of one energy.
But no one can argue about sources of inspiration in the creation of your device. Tesla saw something in the sun in a waking dream that inspired him to conceive the rotating magnetic field. Kekule dreamed of snakes biting their tails and conceived the benzene ring...Obiously, the "inherent geometry of that number" inspires you, and that's a good thing.
> Using ideas from algebraic geometry to write computer algorithms does not come close to creating a free energy machine based on the inherent geometry of that number which is said to be undefined.
> Mankinds role in the universe is not a philosophical question it is part of the theory of everything and part of the geometry of the unified field itself. Now I could tell you what mankinds role is, but you should know it has something to do with appreciating the absolute greatest value and realizing that the unified field is one thing divided by nothing.
Yes, insofar as a unified field theory must include consciousness, the "knowing" field, say,
it would include mankind as a physical and metaphysical entity. As according to Nicolas of Cusa,
"finite beings are contractions of the universe: each contracts and is 'mirrored' in every other thing. The universe is therefore a harmony of plurality in unity, a manifestation of God in whom the opposites are reconciled. Man as a microcosm mirrors the macrocosm" I completely agree with this (alchemical) formulation.
But you present a valid anthropomorphic argument that the universe exists because we are here to appreciate it. And this is another deeply philosophical question.
> Your assumption that the attributes you think I gave 1/0 helped me answer the questions is just that, your assumption. The truth is is that 1/0 spoke to me all that which is hidden. The truth comes from that number and what it means, not from me. All you have to do is evaluate the number using limits to see that it represents the coincidence of opposites, then you will have to understand what that means to see farther than man has seen. Or you could read the work of Nicolas of Cusa who figured the same thing out only he used a slightly different framework not based in mathematics as I have done.
> Riemann sphere is different than the yin yang symbol because the Riemann sphere itself does not represent the coincidence of opposites.
The Riemann sphere doesn't represent the coincidence of opposites, only the point on the sphere with the infinite coordinate represents pos and neg infinity as the object wraps around in a sphere. In the planar projections of the sphere the separate infinities reappear, but I could be wrong about that....
best regards,
>Look at the wikipedia page for Riemann sphere and it says 1/0 equals infinity. That is just plain wrong! Any mathematicians knows that 1/0 is equal to both positive and negative infinity. If it was just equal to one infinity they would have defined it. The reason they haven't defined it is because it does represent a coincidence of opposites and the mathematicians can't wrap their heads around that yet. If they did, they would see that it implies that the laws of thermodynamics are incomplete and it would shatter their world view. Hopefully you see how important this is. Now as far as positive and negative infinity being combined in the same symbol, you are exactly correct. THAT is the coincidence of opposites my friend.
> The riemann sphere does not represent the point of the coincidence of opposites. It does not include negative infinity which is a big big mistake that renders the whole thing virtually useless. Even if it did, it's like the difference between the number circle and the symbol of truth. The symbol of truth is a direct relationship to the workings of nature, whereas the number circle is just a graph pretty much.
> regards, Lee
> Oh Gosh, here we go big time. Ok, please bear with me here Andrew as I appreciate the dialogue.
> Granted, complex manifold theory is used to define spacetime topologies. That's not exactly the same as saying that 1/0 is THE definition of the unified field. Now is it?
> Also, I'm glad that Einstein found the physical application for the tensor, but again, that's not exactly the same as saying what I stated above. And as far as some "genius" finding a physical explanation for everything from pure mathematics, with all due respect that so-called genius may be in your midst.
You must pardon me, Lee, but as Oscar Wilde said, I am not young enough to know everything.
But certainly retain enough curiosity to wonder how 1/0, "one thing divided by nothing," combines magnetism,electricity, gravity, strong force, weak force, AND, I'm sure you 'll agree, that strangest energy of all -- the moebius vortex of consciousness --- all as parallel forms of one energy.
But no one can argue about sources of inspiration in the creation of your device. Tesla saw something in the sun in a waking dream that inspired him to conceive the rotating magnetic field. Kekule dreamed of snakes biting their tails and conceived the benzene ring...Obiously, the "inherent geometry of that number" inspires you, and that's a good thing.
> Using ideas from algebraic geometry to write computer algorithms does not come close to creating a free energy machine based on the inherent geometry of that number which is said to be undefined.
> Mankinds role in the universe is not a philosophical question it is part of the theory of everything and part of the geometry of the unified field itself. Now I could tell you what mankinds role is, but you should know it has something to do with appreciating the absolute greatest value and realizing that the unified field is one thing divided by nothing.
Yes, insofar as a unified field theory must include consciousness, the "knowing" field, say,
it would include mankind as a physical and metaphysical entity. As according to Nicolas of Cusa,
"finite beings are contractions of the universe: each contracts and is 'mirrored' in every other thing. The universe is therefore a harmony of plurality in unity, a manifestation of God in whom the opposites are reconciled. Man as a microcosm mirrors the macrocosm" I completely agree with this (alchemical) formulation.
But you present a valid anthropomorphic argument that the universe exists because we are here to appreciate it. And this is another deeply philosophical question.
> Your assumption that the attributes you think I gave 1/0 helped me answer the questions is just that, your assumption. The truth is is that 1/0 spoke to me all that which is hidden. The truth comes from that number and what it means, not from me. All you have to do is evaluate the number using limits to see that it represents the coincidence of opposites, then you will have to understand what that means to see farther than man has seen. Or you could read the work of Nicolas of Cusa who figured the same thing out only he used a slightly different framework not based in mathematics as I have done.
> Riemann sphere is different than the yin yang symbol because the Riemann sphere itself does not represent the coincidence of opposites.
The Riemann sphere doesn't represent the coincidence of opposites, only the point on the sphere with the infinite coordinate represents pos and neg infinity as the object wraps around in a sphere. In the planar projections of the sphere the separate infinities reappear, but I could be wrong about that....
best regards,
>Look at the wikipedia page for Riemann sphere and it says 1/0 equals infinity. That is just plain wrong! Any mathematicians knows that 1/0 is equal to both positive and negative infinity. If it was just equal to one infinity they would have defined it. The reason they haven't defined it is because it does represent a coincidence of opposites and the mathematicians can't wrap their heads around that yet. If they did, they would see that it implies that the laws of thermodynamics are incomplete and it would shatter their world view. Hopefully you see how important this is. Now as far as positive and negative infinity being combined in the same symbol, you are exactly correct. THAT is the coincidence of opposites my friend.
> The riemann sphere does not represent the point of the coincidence of opposites. It does not include negative infinity which is a big big mistake that renders the whole thing virtually useless. Even if it did, it's like the difference between the number circle and the symbol of truth. The symbol of truth is a direct relationship to the workings of nature, whereas the number circle is just a graph pretty much.
> regards, Lee
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Jung/Pauli Depth Psychology/ The Tao Energy Map
On the background of depth psychological insights that root in almost 2,000 year old alchemical statements, one can show that the energy term must be bipolar – as e.g. also in the Chinese Taoism. From the point of view of psychophysical reality one can therefore state that during the radioactive decay yang energy is transformed into yin energy. The Medieval Hermetic alchemy, whose deepest truths are however disregarded by science since the 17th century, shows us further that this process must always be accompanied by a parallel one: Yin transforms again into yang energy. The latter transformation corresponds to the UFO phenomenon.
Physics, and with it the whole of natural science, believes however only in yang energy. Therefore it cannot accept that in the radioactive (Beta-)decay yang energy disappears and transforms into yin energy. For the explanation of the empirically observable disappearance of physical energy during this process, in the year 1930 Wolfgang Pauli invented a new particle (mass = energy) which should carry the missing energy. Today, we call this particle the antineutrino. Since its invention it fools however the physicists, and drives them sometimes almost to despair. Namely, it almost never reacts with normal matter and is therefore only indirectly inferable – as, after Pauli’s own words, psychophysical reality, too!
The antineutrino, regarded on the deeper level of the unus mundus, represents yin energy. Thus, we can conclude that in the atomic bomb and in the nuclear power plants a lot of yin energy is created.
Yin energy belongs to psychophysical reality thought of as a mere potentiality. Out of this potentiality events and processes are incarnated in our space- and time-bound world. Because they come out of this world beyond physics, their behavior is completely “nonphysical”, i.e., they are not explainable with our modern scientific theories. These creations and incarnations are therefore a necessary expression of the above mentioned parallel process {yin -> yang}. Thus, the transformation from yang to yin, the atomic bomb and the nuclear power plant, must belong together with the UFO phenomenon – the modern artificial Siamese twins.
The psychophysical, i.e., the yin reality is physically unobservable. Therefore it seems as if in the second of the above parallel processes something containing a quasi-physical (observable in the outside) or quasi-psychic (observable in the inside) energy is created out of the “nothing”, i.e., out of the “void”. This means however that the deeper problem consists in the fact that we cannot determine with the help of the experimental tools of physics, where these phenomena take the necessary energy for their creation from. Therefore, natural scientists declare them as non existent.
An extended view of synchronicity is presented here, which - on the bases of symbolically extended quantum physical concepts - includes telepathy and psychokinesis as well. The hypothesis of the unified psychophysical reality should be the background for the explanation of these phenomena as well as a new scientific interpretation of the energy principle as a "fluid" or "watery" yang/yin bipolarity.
“I am clear in my mind what fascinates me about China: it is precisely the symmetrical attitude in connection to the pair of opposites Yin (feminine, chthonic, dark = moon) and Yang (masculine, spiritual, bright = sun). On this is based a culture and civilization of some thousand years that is created homogenous and continuous. It is the ‘realm of the middle’ – and it has an awesome age…” [translation mine]
Hi Dave and all--
The next density level would be a new "realm of the middle," as the Chinese called their world -- or "midden3eard" or middle earth as the Anglo-Saxon called theirs. I think of the light as in an awakening to the yinward "internal" structure of reality that has always been. What was "repressed/Jungian" female principle/ spirit enlivenes matter, what was matter becomes enlivened spirit, as there will be an "exchange of attributes," just as in the Tao energy map.
In a letter of June 16, 1948 Wolfgang Pauli writes to his analyst Carl Jung:
"When that amusing ‘Pauli effect’ of the overturned vase occurred, on the occasion of the founding of the Jung Institute, I had the immediate and vivid impression that I should ‘pour out water inside’ [‘innen Wasser ausgiessen’] (- to use the symbolic language that I have acquired from you). Then when the connection between psychology and physics took up a relatively large part of your talk, it became even more clear to me what I was to do. The outcome of all this is the enclosed essay." [emphasis the author's]
[That wonderful phrase "pour out water inside" is of course the connected Klein bottles/ yin yang energy symbol in action.-ab]
"2.4.4 The inclusion of the yang/yin bipolarity of the energetic principle
The vase which fell to the floor was Chinese. We know that Pauli dealt intensely with Taoism, where the union of the two energetic principles of yin and yang in the moment of the Tao plays an extremely important role. The fifth meaning of the Fludd/flood synchronicity is therefore the inclusion of energy’s yang/yin bipolarity into a new scientific view of life.
2.4.5 Summary
When we summarize the above meaning of Wolfgang Pauli’s Fludd/flood synchronicity we obtain the following results:
The C.G. Jung Institute, founded in 1948, would have had the challenge of scientific research with regard to the topic of the union of modern physics with depth psychology Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung looked for.
The content of this research should be an extended view of synchronicity, which - on the bases of symbolically extended quantum physical concepts - includes telepathy and psychokinesis as well. The hypothesis of the unified psychophysical reality should be the background for the explanation of these phenomena as well as a new scientific interpretation of the energy principle as a "fluid" or "watery" yang/yin bipolarity."
This is a tame psychological interpretation. When the yin psychoactive energy become generally accessible, then reality will change drastically - the age of the magi will commence.
With regard to mirrors, etc. from a pyschological point of view that needs, I think, more of a physical dimension to the analysis. At any rate we see the terrible repression of the female principle throughout Western history. There is near total repression of the female principle in Mohammedism. The results have not been good, and have brought us to this terrible nexus in history.
"Therefore, in the letter to Marie-Louise von Franz Pauli compares this symbol with the bipolarity of yin and yang in Taoism. This bipolarity is represented by the famous Tai Gi Tu, which expresses by its symbolism the polarity (and not the opposites) of yin and yang (see figure 5.2).
Figure 5.2: The Taoist Tai Gi Tu
The dark point in the white symbol for yin shows its transformation into yang, as soon as yin is “full”, as represented in the I Ching, the “book of changes”. The white point in the black or red yang symbol shows the root of the “rebirthed” yin in the moment when yang is at its maximal height. This principle is known as the exchange of attributes and it will play a very important role in our following argumentation.
Obviously, Taoism, with the yin/yang bipolarity and the exchange of attributes, speaks of an energetical symbolism. It reminds us of the request in Pauli’s Fludd/flood synchronicity to integrate a bipolar notion for energy into a new worldview, instead of the monistic one of physical and natural science. However, we will see that the integration of such an energetic bipolarity is only possible, if the following condition is fulfilled: The term “psyche” must be redefined as a principle which is superior to “matter” and “spirit” and in some way it should be a union of these two opposite principles.
It is important to notice that this novel definition contradicts the currently accepted one: Modern science always speaks of “psyche” as a part of or identical with “spirit”; therefore, it treats them mostly as synonyms. As a logical consequence, the term “matter-psyche” does not exist in the terminology of consciousness theories."
Sorry - I lost the reference to the quote below:
Somewhere from here, I think:
Physics, and with it the whole of natural science, believes however only in yang energy. Therefore it cannot accept that in the radioactive (Beta-)decay yang energy disappears and transforms into yin energy. For the explanation of the empirically observable disappearance of physical energy during this process, in the year 1930 Wolfgang Pauli invented a new particle (mass = energy) which should carry the missing energy. Today, we call this particle the antineutrino. Since its invention it fools however the physicists, and drives them sometimes almost to despair. Namely, it almost never reacts with normal matter and is therefore only indirectly inferable – as, after Pauli’s own words, psychophysical reality, too!
The antineutrino, regarded on the deeper level of the unus mundus, represents yin energy. Thus, we can conclude that in the atomic bomb and in the nuclear power plants a lot of yin energy is created.
Yin energy belongs to psychophysical reality thought of as a mere potentiality. Out of this potentiality events and processes are incarnated in our space- and time-bound world. Because they come out of this world beyond physics, their behavior is completely “nonphysical”, i.e., they are not explainable with our modern scientific theories. These creations and incarnations are therefore a necessary expression of the above mentioned parallel process {yin -> yang}. Thus, the transformation from yang to yin, the atomic bomb and the nuclear power plant, must belong together with the UFO phenomenon – the modern artificial Siamese twins.
The psychophysical, i.e., the yin reality is physically unobservable. Therefore it seems as if in the second of the above parallel processes something containing a quasi-physical (observable in the outside) or quasi-psychic (observable in the inside) energy is created out of the “nothing”, i.e., out of the “void”. This means however that the deeper problem consists in the fact that we cannot determine with the help of the experimental tools of physics, where these phenomena take the necessary energy for their creation from. Therefore, natural scientists declare them as non existent.
An extended view of synchronicity is presented here, which - on the bases of symbolically extended quantum physical concepts - includes telepathy and psychokinesis as well. The hypothesis of the unified psychophysical reality should be the background for the explanation of these phenomena as well as a new scientific interpretation of the energy principle as a "fluid" or "watery" yang/yin bipolarity.
“I am clear in my mind what fascinates me about China: it is precisely the symmetrical attitude in connection to the pair of opposites Yin (feminine, chthonic, dark = moon) and Yang (masculine, spiritual, bright = sun). On this is based a culture and civilization of some thousand years that is created homogenous and continuous. It is the ‘realm of the middle’ – and it has an awesome age…” [translation mine]
Hi Dave and all--
The next density level would be a new "realm of the middle," as the Chinese called their world -- or "midden3eard" or middle earth as the Anglo-Saxon called theirs. I think of the light as in an awakening to the yinward "internal" structure of reality that has always been. What was "repressed/Jungian" female principle/ spirit enlivenes matter, what was matter becomes enlivened spirit, as there will be an "exchange of attributes," just as in the Tao energy map.
In a letter of June 16, 1948 Wolfgang Pauli writes to his analyst Carl Jung:
"When that amusing ‘Pauli effect’ of the overturned vase occurred, on the occasion of the founding of the Jung Institute, I had the immediate and vivid impression that I should ‘pour out water inside’ [‘innen Wasser ausgiessen’] (- to use the symbolic language that I have acquired from you). Then when the connection between psychology and physics took up a relatively large part of your talk, it became even more clear to me what I was to do. The outcome of all this is the enclosed essay." [emphasis the author's]
[That wonderful phrase "pour out water inside" is of course the connected Klein bottles/ yin yang energy symbol in action.-ab]
"2.4.4 The inclusion of the yang/yin bipolarity of the energetic principle
The vase which fell to the floor was Chinese. We know that Pauli dealt intensely with Taoism, where the union of the two energetic principles of yin and yang in the moment of the Tao plays an extremely important role. The fifth meaning of the Fludd/flood synchronicity is therefore the inclusion of energy’s yang/yin bipolarity into a new scientific view of life.
2.4.5 Summary
When we summarize the above meaning of Wolfgang Pauli’s Fludd/flood synchronicity we obtain the following results:
The C.G. Jung Institute, founded in 1948, would have had the challenge of scientific research with regard to the topic of the union of modern physics with depth psychology Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung looked for.
The content of this research should be an extended view of synchronicity, which - on the bases of symbolically extended quantum physical concepts - includes telepathy and psychokinesis as well. The hypothesis of the unified psychophysical reality should be the background for the explanation of these phenomena as well as a new scientific interpretation of the energy principle as a "fluid" or "watery" yang/yin bipolarity."
This is a tame psychological interpretation. When the yin psychoactive energy become generally accessible, then reality will change drastically - the age of the magi will commence.
With regard to mirrors, etc. from a pyschological point of view that needs, I think, more of a physical dimension to the analysis. At any rate we see the terrible repression of the female principle throughout Western history. There is near total repression of the female principle in Mohammedism. The results have not been good, and have brought us to this terrible nexus in history.
"Therefore, in the letter to Marie-Louise von Franz Pauli compares this symbol with the bipolarity of yin and yang in Taoism. This bipolarity is represented by the famous Tai Gi Tu, which expresses by its symbolism the polarity (and not the opposites) of yin and yang (see figure 5.2).
Figure 5.2: The Taoist Tai Gi Tu
The dark point in the white symbol for yin shows its transformation into yang, as soon as yin is “full”, as represented in the I Ching, the “book of changes”. The white point in the black or red yang symbol shows the root of the “rebirthed” yin in the moment when yang is at its maximal height. This principle is known as the exchange of attributes and it will play a very important role in our following argumentation.
Obviously, Taoism, with the yin/yang bipolarity and the exchange of attributes, speaks of an energetical symbolism. It reminds us of the request in Pauli’s Fludd/flood synchronicity to integrate a bipolar notion for energy into a new worldview, instead of the monistic one of physical and natural science. However, we will see that the integration of such an energetic bipolarity is only possible, if the following condition is fulfilled: The term “psyche” must be redefined as a principle which is superior to “matter” and “spirit” and in some way it should be a union of these two opposite principles.
It is important to notice that this novel definition contradicts the currently accepted one: Modern science always speaks of “psyche” as a part of or identical with “spirit”; therefore, it treats them mostly as synonyms. As a logical consequence, the term “matter-psyche” does not exist in the terminology of consciousness theories."
Sorry - I lost the reference to the quote below:
Somewhere from here, I think:
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Quoted in http://alchemical-weddings.com/alchemical-weddings/the-philosophers-stone/
"The fundamental thesis of scholasticism was that philosophy is the servant of theology. Intelligence certainly cooperated, but it played only a subordinate role. Thus, scholasticism did not succeed in achieving the marriage of the sun and moon, the result of which is the third principle, called the ‘philosopher’s’ stone in alchemy.
The ‘philosopher’s stone of alchemy is described in the Emerald Table of Hermes Trismegistus as follows:
The father thereof is the sun, the mother the moon.
The wind carried it in its womb; the earth is the nurse thereof.
It is the father of all works of wonder throughout the whole world.
The power thereof is perfect, if it be cast on to earth.
It will separate the element of earth from that of fire, the subtle from the gross, gently and with great sagacity.
It doth ascend from earth to heaven.
Again it doth descend to earth, and uniteth in itself the force from things superior and things inferior.
This means to say that the process of induction (which ‘ascends from earth to heaven’) and that of deduction (which descends to earth), the process of prayer (which ascends from earth to heaven) and that of reveleation (which descends to earth) – ie human endeavour and the action of grace from above – unite and become a complete circle which contracts and concentrates to become a point where the ascent and descent are simultaneous and coincide. And this point is the ‘philosopher’s stone’ – the principle of the identity of the human and divine, of spirituality.
It is the solution of the problem posed by St Paul, or rather the accomplishment of the task given by him, when he wrote of the Cross being folly to the Greeks and a stumbling block to the Jews, but which “to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, is the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (I Corinthians I, 22-24).
Now, the historical and evolutionary mission of Hermeticism is to advance the progress of alchemical work engaged in developing the ‘philsopher’s stone’ or the union of spirituality and intellectuality. It is called to be the crest of the wave of contemporary human effort aspiring to the fusion of the spirituality and intellectuality. This effort and aspiration is larger than the group of Hermeticists, properly said, who are dispersed in the world.
There are probably more people who are not avowed Hermeticists and who are engaged in the endeavour aiming at the fusion of spirituality and intellectuality than there are Hermeticists, properly said. …..The Spirit blows where it will, but the task of the Hermetic tradition is to maintain – without pretension to a monopoly, God forbid! – the ancient idea of the ‘the thelema of the whole world – which ascends from earth to heaven, descends to earth, and uniteth in itself the force from things superior and things inferior’. It’s the task is that of guardian of the great spiritual world.
Unknown author, Meditations on the Tarot, Letter XXI, The Fool"
The philosopher's stone is quite literally a phrase that unites the subtle and the gross, the spiritual and the material; the subtle energetics of the sun, and the glum materiality of the moon.[ab]
"The fundamental thesis of scholasticism was that philosophy is the servant of theology. Intelligence certainly cooperated, but it played only a subordinate role. Thus, scholasticism did not succeed in achieving the marriage of the sun and moon, the result of which is the third principle, called the ‘philosopher’s’ stone in alchemy.
The ‘philosopher’s stone of alchemy is described in the Emerald Table of Hermes Trismegistus as follows:
The father thereof is the sun, the mother the moon.
The wind carried it in its womb; the earth is the nurse thereof.
It is the father of all works of wonder throughout the whole world.
The power thereof is perfect, if it be cast on to earth.
It will separate the element of earth from that of fire, the subtle from the gross, gently and with great sagacity.
It doth ascend from earth to heaven.
Again it doth descend to earth, and uniteth in itself the force from things superior and things inferior.
This means to say that the process of induction (which ‘ascends from earth to heaven’) and that of deduction (which descends to earth), the process of prayer (which ascends from earth to heaven) and that of reveleation (which descends to earth) – ie human endeavour and the action of grace from above – unite and become a complete circle which contracts and concentrates to become a point where the ascent and descent are simultaneous and coincide. And this point is the ‘philosopher’s stone’ – the principle of the identity of the human and divine, of spirituality.
It is the solution of the problem posed by St Paul, or rather the accomplishment of the task given by him, when he wrote of the Cross being folly to the Greeks and a stumbling block to the Jews, but which “to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, is the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (I Corinthians I, 22-24).
Now, the historical and evolutionary mission of Hermeticism is to advance the progress of alchemical work engaged in developing the ‘philsopher’s stone’ or the union of spirituality and intellectuality. It is called to be the crest of the wave of contemporary human effort aspiring to the fusion of the spirituality and intellectuality. This effort and aspiration is larger than the group of Hermeticists, properly said, who are dispersed in the world.
There are probably more people who are not avowed Hermeticists and who are engaged in the endeavour aiming at the fusion of spirituality and intellectuality than there are Hermeticists, properly said. …..The Spirit blows where it will, but the task of the Hermetic tradition is to maintain – without pretension to a monopoly, God forbid! – the ancient idea of the ‘the thelema of the whole world – which ascends from earth to heaven, descends to earth, and uniteth in itself the force from things superior and things inferior’. It’s the task is that of guardian of the great spiritual world.
Unknown author, Meditations on the Tarot, Letter XXI, The Fool"
The philosopher's stone is quite literally a phrase that unites the subtle and the gross, the spiritual and the material; the subtle energetics of the sun, and the glum materiality of the moon.[ab]
Friday, July 23, 2010
Some Notes Toward sensing the red beyond blue, the next octave.
(living waves of light
out of invisible,
unintelligible worlds
fall on us
like sunlight
on the dreamer
of sunlight.)
Hi D
Light,Color, and Logos Synchronicity here -- yr discussion of phi and phase conjugation - mystery dovetail
I surely don't know where this is leading, but I have a deep sense of things synapsing.
some truth to know the true nature of color and frequency is to know the true nature of reality..... Is this the message in the stained glass at Chartres?
I found Fulcanelli's book, thanks to PLT!
It seems to be missing some important photographic plates.
gothic art goetic art (magic) art gothique argotique art got cot art of light spiritus
And a discussion here concerning Fulcanelli on color:
The man who wrote the small m.s.s. that Fulcanelli stole worked on an
> alteration of form through salt and he noted it down in terms of the
> blue-indigo-violet imbroglio. This creates an inevitable irregularity
> that occurs at the end of one octave and the beginning of the next. The
> same irregularity occurs in the musical octave (the Diabalos in Musica)
> and in the planetary system. This is where the effort has to play -
> where the violet turns to ultraviolet and disappears for our vision.
> This is where the adept attempts to join the end to the beginning -
> have the beast bite its tail.( This is yr energy inversion/recursion, D)
Here is where a new red can be born, the
> red beyond violet, the one that is felt in violet and disappears into
> ultraviolet.
and this
Metallic forms are what we're working on,
> substances we know in their relation to color, not only by their lines
> in spectroscopy, but by other more intuitive ways. (clairvoyance?)
> The result is captured in glass, [does this include the violet indigo stained glass of Chartres said to be made by alchemists?]and here comes the difficult manipulation
> of the decantations which Canselliet's letter (intro to Le Mystere des
> Cathedrales) talks about. The end result will be a glass that is red in
> the mass without being pigmented. We prepared the milieu for the
> phenomenon to happen, but the new octave will be attracted to the
> prepared milieu. Spirit has to be caught in the net, as the Pharaonics
> say. (notice the language reveals a weave pattern, cubic crystalline
> structure is criss crossed). The well established trinity of red,
> yellow, blue, is changed to a quartet, which now includes Indigo. Where
> this leads us: The composed colors have become principal triplicities,
> whereas, the fundamental colors have become the four elements.
HEre is the union of spirit and matter the 3+4=7 and the 3*4=12
red glass has the gold
'monovalent gold monoatomic'stabilized in glass
alchemical rotation
Through circumrotation, or a circular philosophical revolving of the quaternity, it is brought back to the highest and purest simplicity of the monad. Out of the gross and impure One there cometh an exceeding pure and subtile Monad.
Go to source web page>>
When thou hast made the quadrangle round,
Then is all the secret found.
-- George Ripley (d. 1490)
Go to source web page>>
"Monoatomic gold, to give an example of old and new production techniques, was manufactured in the Middle Ages by amalgamating molten gold with heated mercury, then amalgamating further with sulfur and distilling the mercury sulfide off. Our method is to dissolve gold powder in molten sodium metal and then to detonate the mass with water. Precipitating monoatomic gold out of the resultant solution with nitric acid will yield purple monoatomic gold, the ‘purple coat of the king’ as it was called in the Renaissance.
Metallurgical chemists may interject that an attempt to precipitate gold out of alkaline solution by a mineral acid is likely doomed to fail or produce only partial precipitation. Yes indeed! It may be hard to swallow for many that this process requires a direct interaction of the alchemist’s mind with the matter at hand, and that each individual may get a different quantity of purple gold out of the exact same volume of solution. Some may not get any, as I had the opportunity to observe. Furthermore, we should mention in passing that some of the monoatoms produced in the labs of contemporary universities are reported to not be stable. It is again the interaction of the alchemist’s focused will with the material at hand that needs to stabilize the material. Some web-based businesses offer monoatomic gold with the warning that you may experience headaches when taking it. Beware! These unfortunate producers have not mastered the art of stabilizing their products properly. Academic chemists will possibly discard this idea as pure fantasy, but alchemy, correctly performed, delivers stable substances that do not fall apart on their own. Alchemy is after all more an art than a science, and one that has always attempted to bridge the seen and the unseen!"
Go to source web page>>
--- In c_s_s_p@yahoogroups.com, Dell Coleman wrote:
> Andrew,
> I think I finally understand what is supposed to be going on with this.
> They described a reflection process by which the energy returns along
> the same path but inverted -- ie phase conjugated. None of this ever
> made sense as a concept - I understood what was actually happening a
> long time ago, but the phase conjugation terminology didnt seem to match.
Viewing the stained glass light to increase your vibration a
The phi phase conjugation must occur through the eyes of the beholder
this will induce a phi resonant supercondution that will phase shift you to the new octave.
you will literally be a new standing wave.
> This is also the alchemical mysterium conjunctionis the reflective union of inversions/opposites male and female.
> So what we really have is a process that generates a signal, but there
> is a reflected standing wave --- or better yet, the signal spins up a
> set of invisible gear wheels OOOOOO -- there is aspden spinup of the
> tempic field in each half-wavelenght as the signal goes by. The big
> misconception among many is that the signal goes to the end and reflects
> back instantaneously. It does not. It goes to the next gear train, and
> part goes back around the loop.
> We established earlier that light takes all paths. There is a bit of
> hidden amplification or focusing in that the circles represent concave
> lenses
> === ( ~~~~~~ this part of Walter Russell's notions.
This brings in the geometry of color
> Some years ago I pointed out to Tom Bearden the inconsistency of forward
> and reverse time going and returning on the same path in his diagram on
> maybe P54 in EFV . The distinction didnt make sense to him because he
> had a math view that negative and positive were just different
> directions, whereas physically you can determine there is a magnetic
> flip that makes travel on the same path impossible.
> So the math is the same, the spatial path is different but now
> consistent and the polarities get accounted for.
> Anyway phase conjugation now makes much more sense
> D
out of invisible,
unintelligible worlds
fall on us
like sunlight
on the dreamer
of sunlight.)
Hi D
Light,Color, and Logos Synchronicity here -- yr discussion of phi and phase conjugation - mystery dovetail
I surely don't know where this is leading, but I have a deep sense of things synapsing.
some truth to know the true nature of color and frequency is to know the true nature of reality..... Is this the message in the stained glass at Chartres?
I found Fulcanelli's book, thanks to PLT!
It seems to be missing some important photographic plates.
gothic art goetic art (magic) art gothique argotique art got cot art of light spiritus
And a discussion here concerning Fulcanelli on color:
The man who wrote the small m.s.s. that Fulcanelli stole worked on an
> alteration of form through salt and he noted it down in terms of the
> blue-indigo-violet imbroglio. This creates an inevitable irregularity
> that occurs at the end of one octave and the beginning of the next. The
> same irregularity occurs in the musical octave (the Diabalos in Musica)
> and in the planetary system. This is where the effort has to play -
> where the violet turns to ultraviolet and disappears for our vision.
> This is where the adept attempts to join the end to the beginning -
> have the beast bite its tail.( This is yr energy inversion/recursion, D)
Here is where a new red can be born, the
> red beyond violet, the one that is felt in violet and disappears into
> ultraviolet.
and this
Metallic forms are what we're working on,
> substances we know in their relation to color, not only by their lines
> in spectroscopy, but by other more intuitive ways. (clairvoyance?)
> The result is captured in glass, [does this include the violet indigo stained glass of Chartres said to be made by alchemists?]and here comes the difficult manipulation
> of the decantations which Canselliet's letter (intro to Le Mystere des
> Cathedrales) talks about. The end result will be a glass that is red in
> the mass without being pigmented. We prepared the milieu for the
> phenomenon to happen, but the new octave will be attracted to the
> prepared milieu. Spirit has to be caught in the net, as the Pharaonics
> say. (notice the language reveals a weave pattern, cubic crystalline
> structure is criss crossed). The well established trinity of red,
> yellow, blue, is changed to a quartet, which now includes Indigo. Where
> this leads us: The composed colors have become principal triplicities,
> whereas, the fundamental colors have become the four elements.
HEre is the union of spirit and matter the 3+4=7 and the 3*4=12
red glass has the gold
'monovalent gold monoatomic'stabilized in glass
alchemical rotation
Through circumrotation, or a circular philosophical revolving of the quaternity, it is brought back to the highest and purest simplicity of the monad. Out of the gross and impure One there cometh an exceeding pure and subtile Monad.
Go to source web page>>
When thou hast made the quadrangle round,
Then is all the secret found.
-- George Ripley (d. 1490)
Go to source web page>>
"Monoatomic gold, to give an example of old and new production techniques, was manufactured in the Middle Ages by amalgamating molten gold with heated mercury, then amalgamating further with sulfur and distilling the mercury sulfide off. Our method is to dissolve gold powder in molten sodium metal and then to detonate the mass with water. Precipitating monoatomic gold out of the resultant solution with nitric acid will yield purple monoatomic gold, the ‘purple coat of the king’ as it was called in the Renaissance.
Metallurgical chemists may interject that an attempt to precipitate gold out of alkaline solution by a mineral acid is likely doomed to fail or produce only partial precipitation. Yes indeed! It may be hard to swallow for many that this process requires a direct interaction of the alchemist’s mind with the matter at hand, and that each individual may get a different quantity of purple gold out of the exact same volume of solution. Some may not get any, as I had the opportunity to observe. Furthermore, we should mention in passing that some of the monoatoms produced in the labs of contemporary universities are reported to not be stable. It is again the interaction of the alchemist’s focused will with the material at hand that needs to stabilize the material. Some web-based businesses offer monoatomic gold with the warning that you may experience headaches when taking it. Beware! These unfortunate producers have not mastered the art of stabilizing their products properly. Academic chemists will possibly discard this idea as pure fantasy, but alchemy, correctly performed, delivers stable substances that do not fall apart on their own. Alchemy is after all more an art than a science, and one that has always attempted to bridge the seen and the unseen!"
Go to source web page>>
--- In c_s_s_p@yahoogroups.com, Dell Coleman
> Andrew,
> I think I finally understand what is supposed to be going on with this.
> They described a reflection process by which the energy returns along
> the same path but inverted -- ie phase conjugated. None of this ever
> made sense as a concept - I understood what was actually happening a
> long time ago, but the phase conjugation terminology didnt seem to match.
Viewing the stained glass light to increase your vibration a
The phi phase conjugation must occur through the eyes of the beholder
this will induce a phi resonant supercondution that will phase shift you to the new octave.
you will literally be a new standing wave.
> This is also the alchemical mysterium conjunctionis the reflective union of inversions/opposites male and female.
> So what we really have is a process that generates a signal, but there
> is a reflected standing wave --- or better yet, the signal spins up a
> set of invisible gear wheels OOOOOO -- there is aspden spinup of the
> tempic field in each half-wavelenght as the signal goes by. The big
> misconception among many is that the signal goes to the end and reflects
> back instantaneously. It does not. It goes to the next gear train, and
> part goes back around the loop.
> We established earlier that light takes all paths. There is a bit of
> hidden amplification or focusing in that the circles represent concave
> lenses
> === ( ~~~~~~ this part of Walter Russell's notions.
This brings in the geometry of color
> Some years ago I pointed out to Tom Bearden the inconsistency of forward
> and reverse time going and returning on the same path in his diagram on
> maybe P54 in EFV . The distinction didnt make sense to him because he
> had a math view that negative and positive were just different
> directions, whereas physically you can determine there is a magnetic
> flip that makes travel on the same path impossible.
> So the math is the same, the spatial path is different but now
> consistent and the polarities get accounted for.
> Anyway phase conjugation now makes much more sense
> D
The Archetype of the Holy Wedding in Alchemy and in the Unconscious of Modern Man The Hermetic alchemical unio corporalis as the background of a modern energetic terminology
"We have seen that for Medieval man the world soul was an indistinguishable unity of spirit, psyche and as well as of matter. Further, it was inside and outside and at the same time – the part as well as the whole. The trouble with such a wholeness is its empirical non-observability, since something that does not have any difference or differentiation, i.e. no energetic aspect, is of course not observable.
In a physical language we could say that such an “object” is in the state of maximal entropy. It is the non-observable oneness described by Carl Jung[2]. As I have shown[3], Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung dealt also with the problem of these terms. In their dispute in the year 1953, as a result of an incredibly interesting discussion they concluded that these terms are just metaphysical ones without any epistemological meaning. Further, in letters to his colleague Franz Kröner Pauli clarified the fact that only an energetical change is observable. Thus, if we can observe a change in such a realm that is only metaphysically defined, we have found an indirect empirical proof for its existence[4].
In order to become observable such a realm should at least contain an energetic property, i.e., an energetic potential out of which a change can happen. In Hermetic alchemical terms such an energetic potential is symbolically defined in the special form of the coniunctio or unio corporalis described above: In the uterus of the queen the king dissolves into atoms, and the latter become the seeds for a new vegetative life. In modern terms we can define such a state as a potential energetic phenomenon.
I am sure that the reader can now realize first what a great revolution the inclusion of the Hermetic alchemical unio corporalis or second coniunctio by Gerardus Dorneus and Robert Fludd has been, and second how this revolution was even extended by the idea of the old king drowning in the uterus of the queen for his rebirth – although this idea of such a reincarnation was only formulated in symbolic images. These ideas compensated unconsciously the one-sidedness of natural science developing soon after with the inclusion of the mathematical standpoint. Expressed in the symbolism of alchemy we can say that the Logos king was and still remains incapable of sacrificing its dominant attitude of beeing in the Heavens and enter the womb of the Eros queen for its regeneration and rejuvenation. Such a transformation is therefore left for us to consciously realize as we begin the 21st century, and my fear is that the Logos king will not resign voluntarily, but will only descend because of apocalyptic events, as for example a world wide intense wave of UFO encounters and especially of abduction phenomena."
table of contents:
"We have seen that for Medieval man the world soul was an indistinguishable unity of spirit, psyche and as well as of matter. Further, it was inside and outside and at the same time – the part as well as the whole. The trouble with such a wholeness is its empirical non-observability, since something that does not have any difference or differentiation, i.e. no energetic aspect, is of course not observable.
In a physical language we could say that such an “object” is in the state of maximal entropy. It is the non-observable oneness described by Carl Jung[2]. As I have shown[3], Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung dealt also with the problem of these terms. In their dispute in the year 1953, as a result of an incredibly interesting discussion they concluded that these terms are just metaphysical ones without any epistemological meaning. Further, in letters to his colleague Franz Kröner Pauli clarified the fact that only an energetical change is observable. Thus, if we can observe a change in such a realm that is only metaphysically defined, we have found an indirect empirical proof for its existence[4].
In order to become observable such a realm should at least contain an energetic property, i.e., an energetic potential out of which a change can happen. In Hermetic alchemical terms such an energetic potential is symbolically defined in the special form of the coniunctio or unio corporalis described above: In the uterus of the queen the king dissolves into atoms, and the latter become the seeds for a new vegetative life. In modern terms we can define such a state as a potential energetic phenomenon.
I am sure that the reader can now realize first what a great revolution the inclusion of the Hermetic alchemical unio corporalis or second coniunctio by Gerardus Dorneus and Robert Fludd has been, and second how this revolution was even extended by the idea of the old king drowning in the uterus of the queen for his rebirth – although this idea of such a reincarnation was only formulated in symbolic images. These ideas compensated unconsciously the one-sidedness of natural science developing soon after with the inclusion of the mathematical standpoint. Expressed in the symbolism of alchemy we can say that the Logos king was and still remains incapable of sacrificing its dominant attitude of beeing in the Heavens and enter the womb of the Eros queen for its regeneration and rejuvenation. Such a transformation is therefore left for us to consciously realize as we begin the 21st century, and my fear is that the Logos king will not resign voluntarily, but will only descend because of apocalyptic events, as for example a world wide intense wave of UFO encounters and especially of abduction phenomena."
table of contents:
Spiritual Physics, toward a Law of the Conservation of Consciousness
"Now 'pure induction' is founded on simple enumeration and is essentially only conclusion based on the experience of given statistics. Thus one could say, 'As John is a man and is dead, and as Peter is a man and is dead, and as Michael is a man and is dead, therefore man is mortal.' The force of this argument depends on number or on the quantity of facts known through experience. The method of analogy, on the other hand, adds the qualitative element, i.e., that which is of intrinsic importance, to the qualitative. Here is an example of of an argument by analogy: 'Andrew is formed of matter, energy, and consciousness. As matter does not disappear with his death, but only changes its form, and as energy does not disappear but only modifies the mode of its activity, Andrew's consciousness, also, cannot simply disappear, but must merely change its form and mode (or plane) of activity. Therefore Andrew is immortal.' This latter argument is founded on the formula of Hermes Trismegistus: that which is below (matter) (energy)is as that which is above(consciousness). Now, if there exists a law of conservation of matter and energy (although matter transforms itself into energy and vise versa), there must necessarily exist also a law of conservation of consciousness or immortality."
Meditations on the Tarot, Letter 1, The Magician
"Now 'pure induction' is founded on simple enumeration and is essentially only conclusion based on the experience of given statistics. Thus one could say, 'As John is a man and is dead, and as Peter is a man and is dead, and as Michael is a man and is dead, therefore man is mortal.' The force of this argument depends on number or on the quantity of facts known through experience. The method of analogy, on the other hand, adds the qualitative element, i.e., that which is of intrinsic importance, to the qualitative. Here is an example of of an argument by analogy: 'Andrew is formed of matter, energy, and consciousness. As matter does not disappear with his death, but only changes its form, and as energy does not disappear but only modifies the mode of its activity, Andrew's consciousness, also, cannot simply disappear, but must merely change its form and mode (or plane) of activity. Therefore Andrew is immortal.' This latter argument is founded on the formula of Hermes Trismegistus: that which is below (matter) (energy)is as that which is above(consciousness). Now, if there exists a law of conservation of matter and energy (although matter transforms itself into energy and vise versa), there must necessarily exist also a law of conservation of consciousness or immortality."
Meditations on the Tarot, Letter 1, The Magician
Sunday, June 27, 2010
xpansions and contractions
of the universe are
the labor pains
of the cosmic womb.
Yesterday a friend of mine dragged me into the city saying an exhibit I must see was now on 7th ave and 18th St at the Rubin Museum. It was the last day of the exhibition of sacred materials on loan from Bhutan monasteries. These artifacts have never been seen by the West.
"The Dragon's Gift"
The exhibit " comprises 87 works of art in the New York presentation, including intricate paintings and images created using applique and embroidery framed in brocade, called thangkas; gilt bronze and wooden sculptures; and ritual objects ranging in date from the 8th to the 20th century, with especially strong examples from the 17th through the 19th century. Because most of the works of art come from active temples, where they still serve as consecrated objects, Buddhist monks will remain in residence at RMA during the period of the exhibition, performing the necessary ritual observances."
I had the crystal dorja in my pocket. We sat with the monks for an hour as they chanted and prayed and did their clearings and artifact blessings. My dorja has now been blessed by Bhutanese monks! Now on the table in front of the monk nearest me was a most beautiful, old dorja, which was not used in the ceremony, and a temple bell which was. On the side of his stand was depicted the four lobed variant. After the ritual I inquired about how dorjas are used. He smiled and seemed hesitant to reply, but said it's ONLY used with the sacred texts themselves.
I found a design of a CW bent cross (the qabalah identifies this as the male principle cross) displayed in a manuscript so finely hand drawn next to two depictions of dorjas. . possibly meant to be used in conjuction in the rituals. Wrt how to use the artifact, I found a series of hand positions and postures used on the dirja, some used in conjunction with singing bowls and other symbols. This depiction was in a series of ultra- fine period portraits of an historically famous Bhutanese monk named Pema Lingpa (1450 -1521)
So found a whole Bhutanese connection with the dorja-- it was a surprise to discover the central importance to the religious life that this artifact actually has.
If the Tree of Life still dwells in strength on this planet, it is there in Bhutan's incredibly productive land and people. Btw Bhutan translates as Kingdom of the Dragon.
The Dragon is very appropriately the national symbol of this verdant, blessed land....another manifestation of the aetheric energy of the Celtic "wyvern" form, which is the snake discussed above.
of the universe are
the labor pains
of the cosmic womb.
Yesterday a friend of mine dragged me into the city saying an exhibit I must see was now on 7th ave and 18th St at the Rubin Museum. It was the last day of the exhibition of sacred materials on loan from Bhutan monasteries. These artifacts have never been seen by the West.
"The Dragon's Gift"
The exhibit " comprises 87 works of art in the New York presentation, including intricate paintings and images created using applique and embroidery framed in brocade, called thangkas; gilt bronze and wooden sculptures; and ritual objects ranging in date from the 8th to the 20th century, with especially strong examples from the 17th through the 19th century. Because most of the works of art come from active temples, where they still serve as consecrated objects, Buddhist monks will remain in residence at RMA during the period of the exhibition, performing the necessary ritual observances."
I had the crystal dorja in my pocket. We sat with the monks for an hour as they chanted and prayed and did their clearings and artifact blessings. My dorja has now been blessed by Bhutanese monks! Now on the table in front of the monk nearest me was a most beautiful, old dorja, which was not used in the ceremony, and a temple bell which was. On the side of his stand was depicted the four lobed variant. After the ritual I inquired about how dorjas are used. He smiled and seemed hesitant to reply, but said it's ONLY used with the sacred texts themselves.
I found a design of a CW bent cross (the qabalah identifies this as the male principle cross) displayed in a manuscript so finely hand drawn next to two depictions of dorjas. . possibly meant to be used in conjuction in the rituals. Wrt how to use the artifact, I found a series of hand positions and postures used on the dirja, some used in conjunction with singing bowls and other symbols. This depiction was in a series of ultra- fine period portraits of an historically famous Bhutanese monk named Pema Lingpa (1450 -1521)
So found a whole Bhutanese connection with the dorja-- it was a surprise to discover the central importance to the religious life that this artifact actually has.
If the Tree of Life still dwells in strength on this planet, it is there in Bhutan's incredibly productive land and people. Btw Bhutan translates as Kingdom of the Dragon.
The Dragon is very appropriately the national symbol of this verdant, blessed land....another manifestation of the aetheric energy of the Celtic "wyvern" form, which is the snake discussed above.
These are beautiful things you are saying, imho. The stapes part of the cross emerges from the ground with the "vine" of the Tree of Life and the Chartres labyrinth snake -- this IS the female principle that has been labeled evil, and excoriated out of Christian doctrine over the tedious centuries, much to the detriment of the Faith and planetary conditions in general. But that female principle has always been lurking "underground" in the liturgy. It is most richly there in Mary and her ardent devotees. It abides in the European Cathedrals as the Black Madonna statuary and grotto shrines. The whole lost female issue IS embodied in the lost Grail imagery itself ( a cup/ovary/female symbol if ever there was).
"I am a soul‚ I (am) a star of gold‚ I am Osiris," Pharaoh announces. Before we dismiss this as mere poetry, remember that the Egyptian hieroglyphic language was capable of a dense structure of meaning. The soul,ka, had a precise meaning. It is the wave nature, the flow of the breath, of the spirit, the khu. The Hebrew word ruach, breath or spirit, preserves this meaning. In Genesis, we are told that God is breath. His ruach moved across the waters of chaos to begin the process of creation.
Therefore, the king is declaring that he has entered the state of being called ‚soul, a state where the flow of spirit is self-sustaining, self-referencing and self-aware. To be such a soul is to have the possibility of immortality.
This is a long memory of the gnostic old knowledge, the "pnuema hagion" as loam/womb/lung- dark snake force of the black madonna.
The androgynous nature of Christ is an interesting study. He did say "I am the vine." He is secretly-in-plain-view depicted in the Cathedrals as the "Green Man," completely covered in fruiting vines and leaves.
Revelation 22:1-2, Tree of Life
The River and Tree of Life
"1.And he shewed me a pure river of water of life [aether flow? -ab], clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
2.In the midst of the street of it [the river], and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
"I am a soul‚ I (am) a star of gold‚ I am Osiris," Pharaoh announces. Before we dismiss this as mere poetry, remember that the Egyptian hieroglyphic language was capable of a dense structure of meaning. The soul,ka, had a precise meaning. It is the wave nature, the flow of the breath, of the spirit, the khu. The Hebrew word ruach, breath or spirit, preserves this meaning. In Genesis, we are told that God is breath. His ruach moved across the waters of chaos to begin the process of creation.
Therefore, the king is declaring that he has entered the state of being called ‚soul, a state where the flow of spirit is self-sustaining, self-referencing and self-aware. To be such a soul is to have the possibility of immortality.
This is a long memory of the gnostic old knowledge, the "pnuema hagion" as loam/womb/lung- dark snake force of the black madonna.
The androgynous nature of Christ is an interesting study. He did say "I am the vine." He is secretly-in-plain-view depicted in the Cathedrals as the "Green Man," completely covered in fruiting vines and leaves.
Revelation 22:1-2, Tree of Life
The River and Tree of Life
"1.And he shewed me a pure river of water of life [aether flow? -ab], clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
2.In the midst of the street of it [the river], and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Did a quick analysis of the electron config for gold. Not to overlook anything. Since Hector's theories involve the electrons and supraluminal spin??? relativistic effects- and there is some very interesting commentary on this involving gold and light.
look up Hectors relativistic electron stuff. search "pissed"
- admittedly not too many people know of Wallace's research. Protons are 1837 times the mass of the electron. Logical to look for mass effects where there is more mass.
but process also can involve the electrons as another, or perhaps THE intermediary interacting with the nucleas. For example it is known that the lower energy shells orbit closer to the nucleas, there is some evidence of actual (reverse beta?, from memory) exhanges and of course the neutron is a little lika a vesica proton pregnant with an electron... If it were possible to suddenly dump, or cycle, a bunch of upper shell electrons through the lower shells, we'd have a small gear set in the transmission.
The gold d/f electron sub-shells exhibit a 5/7 symmetry pairing. And I just note this in passing as a curious coincidence ... It just occurs to me that ratio is indicated on the cc cross and was Moussa's ratio. The ratio as 10/14 in a most energetic and populated area of the electron cloud that hovers atop the lower shells perhaps just waiting for the right NER, or quantic/ultraphotonic/ "tensile"auric aulight stimulus to cycle lower?
Relativistic effects
For elements with high atomic number Z, the effects of relativity become more pronounced, and especially so for s electrons, which move at relativistic velocities as they penetrate the screening electrons near the core of high Z atoms. This relativistic increase in momentum for high speed electrons causes a corresponding decrease in wavelength and contraction of 6s orbitals relative to 5d orbitals (by comparison to corresponding s and d electrons in lighter elements in the same column of the periodic table); this results in 6s valence electrons becoming lowered in energy.
Examples of significant physical outcomes of this effect include the lowered melting temperature of mercury (which results from 6s electrons not being available for metal bonding) and the golden color of gold and caesium (which result from narrowing of 6s to 5d transition energy to the point that visible light begins to be absorbed). See [1] and [2]).
saintly halos, and buddhaskin always depicted softly aulighted.the lambent gold light just where visible light and the currents of astral light cross their ways.
In non-relativistic quantum mechanics, any atom with an atomic number greater than 137 would require 1s electrons to be traveling (have a mean velocity) faster than the speed of light.
This is what Hector is saying.
The significance of element 137, also known as untriseptium, was first pointed out by the physicist Richard Feynman. Element 137 is sometimes informally called feynmanium (symbol Fy). These properties of element 137 can be linked to the Fine Structure Constant, which is nearly 1 / 137.[2]
However, this approximation is wrong in two ways. First, electrons do not actually move in orbits as predicted by the Bohr Model. Secondly, there is no problem with relativistic quantum mechanics, since arbitrarily large momentum does not imply arbitrarily large velocity, and electrons cannot exceed the speed of light no matter what their energy. The drastic effects caused by high electron energy happen only when the electron exceeds an energy of three or more times its rest energy. Under these circumstances, which require Z's in the 150's-- higher than can be found except in transient collision of heavy nuclei, the extra energy of the electron may be used to create electron-positron pairs.
re other message
time as a bit rate of conscious awareness=information now does a working definition of density. Density now has the frequency flexibility to be reguaged by consciousness by the bit rate oscillation (new hubble constant on the a=n/(n+1) or equivalently n=a/(1-a).expressed algebraically in the Karika, by planck scale of which Planck-Length is (LP=√[hG/2πc3] ). That all of EM rides the tempic signal stream is another measure of resonant conscious control of the density hologram and the spiritual unified field of the Vardas and others of the ancient east.
holographic quantum
geometry of spacetime has two spatial dimensions instead
of three, and the apparent third dimension emerges, by a
hologramlike encoding, along a null projection of a 2D
This just in from Jack Sarfatti (yahoo group Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars)first email I opened this morning;
"Au contraire to Paul M.
http://qedcorp.com/APS/Chardin2.pdf just posted, but warning it's a 7 meg file
Gennady Shipov and I had same basic idea "independently" at approximately the same time (barring a retrocausal Cramer transaction of course ;-)
On Jan 15, 2009, at 12:29 AM, Gennady Shipov wrote from Moscow Russia:
Dear Jack!
I am admired by your intuition
In order to be able to deal with Einstein's program of unified field theory in
a more professional manner I joined in 1969 the post-graduate course at
Peoples Friendship University after P.Lumumba and in 1972 wrote a thesis
called "General-Relativistic Electrodynamics with a Tensor Potential".
That was a geometrized version of electrodynamics, one that used for
reference frames not only the inertial Lorentz reference frames, but also
accelerated locally Lorentz-like frames, like those of elevators in free fall
in Einstein's theory of gravitation. Now they also involved charges, however!
The general-relativistic electrodynamics was a fundamental deviation from the
principles of the Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics. It admitted coordinate
transformations that corresponded to a transition from an inertial reference
frame to an accelerated locally Lorentz frame, with electromagnetic fields,
like Christoffel symbols in Einstein's theory, following a nontensor law of
The field equations in geometrized electrodynamics looked like Einstein's
Strong electromagnetic fields satisfying the field equations distort
the space of events in geometrized electrodynamics
When I had grasped the main principles and equations of general-relativistic
electrodynamics, I noticed that it possessed an array of unusual properties.
First, new equations became Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics in
a weak-field approximation to not-very-high velocities. Second, it admitted
acceleration radiationless motion of charges in a field of central forces
(a general-relativistic analog of the Bohr principle ), i.e., its
equations contained as a corollary one of its fundamental quantum principles.
Third, solutions of the new vacuum equations R_{ik}=0 of general-relativistic
electrodynamics enabled one to obtain not only the Coulomb potential but
also novel static potentials that were a short-range generalization of the
latter. Fourth, the energy of the electrostatic field of a charge in geometrized
electrodynamics appeared to be a finite quantity.
Shipov Gennady
Elementary physics
Only accelerating charges radiate
Charges on geodesics do not accelerate
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 14, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Paul M wrote:
What the heck does this mean? You should leave old ideas alone!
--- On Wed, 1/14/09, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
From: Jack Sarfatti
Subject: Gravity & stability of atomic orbits
To: "Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars"
Cc: "SarfattiScienceSeminars@YahooGroups. com"
Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 4:23 PM
I return to an old idea I hadat birkbeck and ictp in early 1970s.If electrons in bound atomic stationary energy eigenstates are on geodesics in salam's strong short range gravity field then they do not radiate. Therefore Bohm's quantum potential and the gravity field are the two faces of Janus .Entanglement from wheeler Feynman cramer zigzag transaction.See gilder's bookThe age of entanglementSent from my iPhone
Dell's bubble boundary must, during some energy regime, signal it's presence with 4Dwavelets(this is some kind of timespace hyperfunction) in and through the denser medium to exchange.
But in pundit scientific lingo this would be unification of gravity, electromagnetic, and radioactive weak forces "unified electroweak force" and the strong forces that bind quarks, the basic constituents of protons and neutrons.
look up Hectors relativistic electron stuff. search "pissed"
- admittedly not too many people know of Wallace's research. Protons are 1837 times the mass of the electron. Logical to look for mass effects where there is more mass.
but process also can involve the electrons as another, or perhaps THE intermediary interacting with the nucleas. For example it is known that the lower energy shells orbit closer to the nucleas, there is some evidence of actual (reverse beta?, from memory) exhanges and of course the neutron is a little lika a vesica proton pregnant with an electron... If it were possible to suddenly dump, or cycle, a bunch of upper shell electrons through the lower shells, we'd have a small gear set in the transmission.
The gold d/f electron sub-shells exhibit a 5/7 symmetry pairing. And I just note this in passing as a curious coincidence ... It just occurs to me that ratio is indicated on the cc cross and was Moussa's ratio. The ratio as 10/14 in a most energetic and populated area of the electron cloud that hovers atop the lower shells perhaps just waiting for the right NER, or quantic/ultraphotonic/ "tensile"auric aulight stimulus to cycle lower?
Relativistic effects
For elements with high atomic number Z, the effects of relativity become more pronounced, and especially so for s electrons, which move at relativistic velocities as they penetrate the screening electrons near the core of high Z atoms. This relativistic increase in momentum for high speed electrons causes a corresponding decrease in wavelength and contraction of 6s orbitals relative to 5d orbitals (by comparison to corresponding s and d electrons in lighter elements in the same column of the periodic table); this results in 6s valence electrons becoming lowered in energy.
Examples of significant physical outcomes of this effect include the lowered melting temperature of mercury (which results from 6s electrons not being available for metal bonding) and the golden color of gold and caesium (which result from narrowing of 6s to 5d transition energy to the point that visible light begins to be absorbed). See [1] and [2]).
saintly halos, and buddhaskin always depicted softly aulighted.the lambent gold light just where visible light and the currents of astral light cross their ways.
In non-relativistic quantum mechanics, any atom with an atomic number greater than 137 would require 1s electrons to be traveling (have a mean velocity) faster than the speed of light.
This is what Hector is saying.
The significance of element 137, also known as untriseptium, was first pointed out by the physicist Richard Feynman. Element 137 is sometimes informally called feynmanium (symbol Fy). These properties of element 137 can be linked to the Fine Structure Constant, which is nearly 1 / 137.[2]
However, this approximation is wrong in two ways. First, electrons do not actually move in orbits as predicted by the Bohr Model. Secondly, there is no problem with relativistic quantum mechanics, since arbitrarily large momentum does not imply arbitrarily large velocity, and electrons cannot exceed the speed of light no matter what their energy. The drastic effects caused by high electron energy happen only when the electron exceeds an energy of three or more times its rest energy. Under these circumstances, which require Z's in the 150's-- higher than can be found except in transient collision of heavy nuclei, the extra energy of the electron may be used to create electron-positron pairs.
re other message
time as a bit rate of conscious awareness=information now does a working definition of density. Density now has the frequency flexibility to be reguaged by consciousness by the bit rate oscillation (new hubble constant on the a=n/(n+1) or equivalently n=a/(1-a).expressed algebraically in the Karika, by planck scale of which Planck-Length is (LP=√[hG/2πc3] ). That all of EM rides the tempic signal stream is another measure of resonant conscious control of the density hologram and the spiritual unified field of the Vardas and others of the ancient east.
holographic quantum
geometry of spacetime has two spatial dimensions instead
of three, and the apparent third dimension emerges, by a
hologramlike encoding, along a null projection of a 2D
This just in from Jack Sarfatti (yahoo group Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars)first email I opened this morning;
"Au contraire to Paul M.
http://qedcorp.com/APS/Chardin2.pdf just posted, but warning it's a 7 meg file
Gennady Shipov and I had same basic idea "independently" at approximately the same time (barring a retrocausal Cramer transaction of course ;-)
On Jan 15, 2009, at 12:29 AM, Gennady Shipov wrote from Moscow Russia:
Dear Jack!
I am admired by your intuition
In order to be able to deal with Einstein's program of unified field theory in
a more professional manner I joined in 1969 the post-graduate course at
Peoples Friendship University after P.Lumumba and in 1972 wrote a thesis
called "General-Relativistic Electrodynamics with a Tensor Potential".
That was a geometrized version of electrodynamics, one that used for
reference frames not only the inertial Lorentz reference frames, but also
accelerated locally Lorentz-like frames, like those of elevators in free fall
in Einstein's theory of gravitation. Now they also involved charges, however!
The general-relativistic electrodynamics was a fundamental deviation from the
principles of the Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics. It admitted coordinate
transformations that corresponded to a transition from an inertial reference
frame to an accelerated locally Lorentz frame, with electromagnetic fields,
like Christoffel symbols in Einstein's theory, following a nontensor law of
The field equations in geometrized electrodynamics looked like Einstein's
Strong electromagnetic fields satisfying the field equations distort
the space of events in geometrized electrodynamics
When I had grasped the main principles and equations of general-relativistic
electrodynamics, I noticed that it possessed an array of unusual properties.
First, new equations became Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics in
a weak-field approximation to not-very-high velocities. Second, it admitted
acceleration radiationless motion of charges in a field of central forces
(a general-relativistic analog of the Bohr principle ), i.e., its
equations contained as a corollary one of its fundamental quantum principles.
Third, solutions of the new vacuum equations R_{ik}=0 of general-relativistic
electrodynamics enabled one to obtain not only the Coulomb potential but
also novel static potentials that were a short-range generalization of the
latter. Fourth, the energy of the electrostatic field of a charge in geometrized
electrodynamics appeared to be a finite quantity.
Shipov Gennady
Elementary physics
Only accelerating charges radiate
Charges on geodesics do not accelerate
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 14, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Paul M
What the heck does this mean? You should leave old ideas alone!
--- On Wed, 1/14/09, Jack Sarfatti
From: Jack Sarfatti
Subject: Gravity & stability of atomic orbits
To: "Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars"
Cc: "SarfattiScienceSeminars@YahooGroups. com"
Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 4:23 PM
I return to an old idea I hadat birkbeck and ictp in early 1970s.If electrons in bound atomic stationary energy eigenstates are on geodesics in salam's strong short range gravity field then they do not radiate. Therefore Bohm's quantum potential and the gravity field are the two faces of Janus .Entanglement from wheeler Feynman cramer zigzag transaction.See gilder's bookThe age of entanglementSent from my iPhone
Dell's bubble boundary must, during some energy regime, signal it's presence with 4Dwavelets(this is some kind of timespace hyperfunction) in and through the denser medium to exchange.
But in pundit scientific lingo this would be unification of gravity, electromagnetic, and radioactive weak forces "unified electroweak force" and the strong forces that bind quarks, the basic constituents of protons and neutrons.
nmr stuff
cssp message #4704,larmour precessional spin messages #4725,26,27
cssp message #5670
I've done some research on Larmor frequencies and have found that the dimensions of the pyramid I gave are for a magnetic field strength of one Tesla. All reference book charts of the NMR frequencies are calibrated for a 1 Tesla field. There are different larmor frequencies that are related to magnetic field strength according to the formula W0=Bo x L
where Wo( omega sub o) is the Larmor precessional frequency, Bo is the magnetic field strength of the magnet, and L (lambda) is the gyromagnetic ratio.
From google books:
MRI In Practice, Westbrook, Catherine; Carolyn Roth, third edition.
"The gyro-magnetic ratio express the relationship between the angular momentum and the magnetic moment of each NMR active nucleus. It is constant and is expressed as the precessional frequency of a specific MR active nucleus at 1 T. The unit of gyro-magnetic ratio is therefore MHz/T." This is the number given in the charts.
So for different magnetic field strengths one would have to adjust frequencies, or "antenna" lengths, or coil lengths, etc.
examples: NMR frequency of Hydrogen 42.57MHz/T
magnetic field strength larmor frequency solution 1/4wave length
1.5 T 63.86MHz 42.57MHz/T x 1.5T 3.852 ft
1T 42.57MHz 42.57MHz/T x 1T 5.778 ft
.5T 21.28MHz 42.57MHz/T x .5T 11.56 ft
Joe said everything has a "frequency." Well, this precessional frequency seems to fit in with ag effects, at least in theory.
I just find it very interesting that Cramp's coil activated some liquid, possibly water, perhaps in a way similar to the Joe Cell. No one seems to know the exact setup, whether the coil was immersed in moving water, or water sent around the coil in copper tubes, etc. Sure seems like the same evidence and clues keep coming up.....
best regards,
message #5676
> Leonard Cramp brings up my purchase of 1/2" annealed Copper pipe
with which I was going to create a closed circle and fill with 'new'
water and probably coil pulse and attempt to tune - 'resonant water'?
> What happens to enclosed water when it is pulsed at Keely's 42712.2 Khz?
Hi Smokey --
42712.2KHz = 42.7122MHz = Wo
Wo=Bo X L
Bo= Wo/L
Bo = 42.7122MHz/(42.57MHz/T)
Bo = 1.0033T
Keely's frequency is nearly the larmor of the hydrogen proton at 1T.
best regards,
a possible practical method: after Wallace: let's say that a NMR frequency for a given ambient magnetic field strength can orient hanging neutrons over a given mass, gravitomagnetically yielding a "kinemassic force field" analogous to a magnetic field. Now resonant pulsing of the polarized nucleon w/ larmor frequency could set up a coherent secondary nuclear acceleration on top of a gravitomagnetic "kinemassic field "effect, this would be, by analogy. gravitoelectric induction - like a moving magnetic field induces electricity; an oscillating,precessing,kinemassic field will become gravitoelectric....a/g? Is this what keely did w/ the water proton?
I will see what I can cook up on the larmors of the ag metals - gold silver, etc.
cssp message #4704,larmour precessional spin messages #4725,26,27
cssp message #5670
I've done some research on Larmor frequencies and have found that the dimensions of the pyramid I gave are for a magnetic field strength of one Tesla. All reference book charts of the NMR frequencies are calibrated for a 1 Tesla field. There are different larmor frequencies that are related to magnetic field strength according to the formula W0=Bo x L
where Wo( omega sub o) is the Larmor precessional frequency, Bo is the magnetic field strength of the magnet, and L (lambda) is the gyromagnetic ratio.
From google books:
MRI In Practice, Westbrook, Catherine; Carolyn Roth, third edition.
"The gyro-magnetic ratio express the relationship between the angular momentum and the magnetic moment of each NMR active nucleus. It is constant and is expressed as the precessional frequency of a specific MR active nucleus at 1 T. The unit of gyro-magnetic ratio is therefore MHz/T." This is the number given in the charts.
So for different magnetic field strengths one would have to adjust frequencies, or "antenna" lengths, or coil lengths, etc.
examples: NMR frequency of Hydrogen 42.57MHz/T
magnetic field strength larmor frequency solution 1/4wave length
1.5 T 63.86MHz 42.57MHz/T x 1.5T 3.852 ft
1T 42.57MHz 42.57MHz/T x 1T 5.778 ft
.5T 21.28MHz 42.57MHz/T x .5T 11.56 ft
Joe said everything has a "frequency." Well, this precessional frequency seems to fit in with ag effects, at least in theory.
I just find it very interesting that Cramp's coil activated some liquid, possibly water, perhaps in a way similar to the Joe Cell. No one seems to know the exact setup, whether the coil was immersed in moving water, or water sent around the coil in copper tubes, etc. Sure seems like the same evidence and clues keep coming up.....
best regards,
message #5676
> Leonard Cramp brings up my purchase of 1/2" annealed Copper pipe
with which I was going to create a closed circle and fill with 'new'
water and probably coil pulse and attempt to tune - 'resonant water'?
> What happens to enclosed water when it is pulsed at Keely's 42712.2 Khz?
Hi Smokey --
42712.2KHz = 42.7122MHz = Wo
Wo=Bo X L
Bo= Wo/L
Bo = 42.7122MHz/(42.57MHz/T)
Bo = 1.0033T
Keely's frequency is nearly the larmor of the hydrogen proton at 1T.
best regards,
a possible practical method: after Wallace: let's say that a NMR frequency for a given ambient magnetic field strength can orient hanging neutrons over a given mass, gravitomagnetically yielding a "kinemassic force field" analogous to a magnetic field. Now resonant pulsing of the polarized nucleon w/ larmor frequency could set up a coherent secondary nuclear acceleration on top of a gravitomagnetic "kinemassic field "effect, this would be, by analogy. gravitoelectric induction - like a moving magnetic field induces electricity; an oscillating,precessing,kinemassic field will become gravitoelectric....a/g? Is this what keely did w/ the water proton?
I will see what I can cook up on the larmors of the ag metals - gold silver, etc.
Friday, June 25, 2010
I have already "stumbled" on a key meditative link to the (1/2 spin) sacred metals:
These are the seven sacred metals already discussed as comprising the alloy of the singing bowls. There are seven bowl types each tuned to a different frequency associated with a chakra. They are B/crown, A/ 3rd eye, G/Throat, F/Heart, E/Solar, D/Sacral, C/Root.
"The seven Metals and seven Planets correspond with the seven Chakras as
follows: Lead and Saturn correlate with the Muladhara Chakra; Iron and Mars
correlate with the Svadhistthana Chakra; Tin and Jupiter correlate with the Manipura
Chakra; Quicksilver and Mercury correlate with the Anahata Chakra (or alternatively
the Sahasrara Chakra); Copper and Venus correlate with the Vishudhi Chakra;
Silver and Luna correlate with the Ajna Chakra; and, lastly, Gold and Sol correlate
with the Sahasrara Chakra (or alternatively the Anahata Chakra).
Of the seven Chakras, only six are visible to the inner eye of the Yogi. Sahasrara,
the so-called seventh Chakra, is an invisible and ineffable centre which cannot be
classified as a Chakra per se. Yet it is with this Invisible Chakra that the Yogi or
Magician seeks to integrate himself. For this so-called Chakra represents the True
Self of the Yogi or Magician which, in Alchemy, is symbolized by the Stone of the
Now the link to the aura and to the nerves.
What will we call it, Integrated Neural/Nuclear Electric Resonance, INNER? lol!
Now there are innumerable centers of Prana in the Subtile Body called Nadis which
are commonly defined as Nerves. Prana is the vital, creative energy in Nature which
animates and maintains all life and it is the subtle link between the visible and the
invisible. Nadis are subtle nerve channels of Prana. The word Nadi is derived from
the Sanskrit root "nad", which signifies motion. The various petals of the Chakras
are Nadis. Prana moves or circulates in the Nadis, governed by the currents of the
Sun and Moon. [I think Sweet mentioned his device waxed and waned in power daily] Purification of the Nadis is one of the most fundamental exercises of Yoga proper.
The Eastern System of Kundalini Yoga affords us a basic clue into the interior
operations of Mystical Alchemy. Kundalini Yoga aims at the awakening of various
centers of psychic force in the Ethereal Body. These are called Chakras or
Cakkrams. Although there is literally a Chakra for every nerve in the body, there are
seven in particular which are of vital importance in the Science of Kundalini Yoga.
These Chakras are symbolized by seven Wheels ascending the spinal column
which the Yogi endeavors to initiate into whirling motion, to awaken their subtle
energies and vitalize his consciousness with their occult currents of power. This is
accomplished by way of awakening the Primary Nerve Current known as the
Kundalini or Serpent Power.
The Serpent (Kundalini) is a phallic symbol, (actually appears, as discussed, as a female/Eve/Ceredwen, Gaia, Earth, or sky male Quatzlcoatl -ab)
representing the creative force of reproduction or Sexual Energy. The Kundalini is
Sexual Energy -- the Libido -- also called Shakti (Power) in the Sanskrit tongue. It is
by this Sexual Power that the Chakras are literally transformed into veritable centers
of cosmic radiation, illuminating the soul, mind and body of the Yogi with the
Celestial Light of the Sun.
This is that same labyrinth serpent curled under Chartres.
A big, old C root chakra singing bowl is on order!
best regards,
I have already "stumbled" on a key meditative link to the (1/2 spin) sacred metals:
These are the seven sacred metals already discussed as comprising the alloy of the singing bowls. There are seven bowl types each tuned to a different frequency associated with a chakra. They are B/crown, A/ 3rd eye, G/Throat, F/Heart, E/Solar, D/Sacral, C/Root.
"The seven Metals and seven Planets correspond with the seven Chakras as
follows: Lead and Saturn correlate with the Muladhara Chakra; Iron and Mars
correlate with the Svadhistthana Chakra; Tin and Jupiter correlate with the Manipura
Chakra; Quicksilver and Mercury correlate with the Anahata Chakra (or alternatively
the Sahasrara Chakra); Copper and Venus correlate with the Vishudhi Chakra;
Silver and Luna correlate with the Ajna Chakra; and, lastly, Gold and Sol correlate
with the Sahasrara Chakra (or alternatively the Anahata Chakra).
Of the seven Chakras, only six are visible to the inner eye of the Yogi. Sahasrara,
the so-called seventh Chakra, is an invisible and ineffable centre which cannot be
classified as a Chakra per se. Yet it is with this Invisible Chakra that the Yogi or
Magician seeks to integrate himself. For this so-called Chakra represents the True
Self of the Yogi or Magician which, in Alchemy, is symbolized by the Stone of the
Now the link to the aura and to the nerves.
What will we call it, Integrated Neural/Nuclear Electric Resonance, INNER? lol!
Now there are innumerable centers of Prana in the Subtile Body called Nadis which
are commonly defined as Nerves. Prana is the vital, creative energy in Nature which
animates and maintains all life and it is the subtle link between the visible and the
invisible. Nadis are subtle nerve channels of Prana. The word Nadi is derived from
the Sanskrit root "nad", which signifies motion. The various petals of the Chakras
are Nadis. Prana moves or circulates in the Nadis, governed by the currents of the
Sun and Moon. [I think Sweet mentioned his device waxed and waned in power daily] Purification of the Nadis is one of the most fundamental exercises of Yoga proper.
The Eastern System of Kundalini Yoga affords us a basic clue into the interior
operations of Mystical Alchemy. Kundalini Yoga aims at the awakening of various
centers of psychic force in the Ethereal Body. These are called Chakras or
Cakkrams. Although there is literally a Chakra for every nerve in the body, there are
seven in particular which are of vital importance in the Science of Kundalini Yoga.
These Chakras are symbolized by seven Wheels ascending the spinal column
which the Yogi endeavors to initiate into whirling motion, to awaken their subtle
energies and vitalize his consciousness with their occult currents of power. This is
accomplished by way of awakening the Primary Nerve Current known as the
Kundalini or Serpent Power.
The Serpent (Kundalini) is a phallic symbol, (actually appears, as discussed, as a female/Eve/Ceredwen, Gaia, Earth, or sky male Quatzlcoatl -ab)
representing the creative force of reproduction or Sexual Energy. The Kundalini is
Sexual Energy -- the Libido -- also called Shakti (Power) in the Sanskrit tongue. It is
by this Sexual Power that the Chakras are literally transformed into veritable centers
of cosmic radiation, illuminating the soul, mind and body of the Yogi with the
Celestial Light of the Sun.
This is that same labyrinth serpent curled under Chartres.
A big, old C root chakra singing bowl is on order!
best regards,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Rounding up the usual suspects, here's what the pundits teach their engineering students wrt ferroresonant phenomenon:
"To prevent the consequences of ferroresonance (untimely tripping of protection devices,destruction of equipment such as power transformers or voltage transformers, production losses,...), it is necessary to:
understand the phenomenon,
predict it,
identify it and
avoid or eliminate it.
Little is known about this complex phenomenon [outside of H's Tesla based work and the black projects-ab] as it is rare and cannot be analysed or predicted by the computation methods (based on linear approximation) normally used by [or taught to-ab] electrical engineers. This lack of knowledge means that it is readily considered responsible for a number of unexplained destructions or malfunctionings of equipment.
A distinction drawn between resonance and ferroresonance will highlight the specific and sometimes disconcerting characteristics of ferroresonance.
Practical examples of electrical power system configurations at risk from ferroresonance are used to identify and emphasise the variety of potentially dangerous configurations.Well-informed system designers avoid putting themselves in such risky situations."
There's the professional kabosh -- "well-informed system designers" don't play with ferroresonance!!!
I just came across a 60 year old paper Gabriel Kron wrote on local gauging using Einstein's own tensor analysis. Kron states that highly anomalous "creeping" in electrical systems is only explainable using higher dimensional geometries incorporating some form of the Einstein's spacetime tensor transformations, using the Reimann-Christofell tensor that defines curvature, or Einstein's own torsion tensor.
"This paper discusses some aspects of Kron's tensor theories associated with the use of non-holonomic reference systems in the mathematical treatment of rotating electrical machines. The general theory is discussed in the first part, and is applied in the second part, by way of illustration, to a squirrel-cage induction motor."
He set about defining a general machine using tensors, and then shows that the entity can be transformed by a tensor from one machine to another, one has only to know the particular transformation tensor, C in his notation, that transforms the matrix of one into the matrix of another. One also now knows how the components of the new machine interrelate.
Now Kron provides the mathematics to explain anomolous circuit behavior where the output becomes significantly more or less than standard predictive models allow.
The kick is he's working locally with Einstein's global language and methods.
The local system affects the local spacetime curvature in such a way that the system is either leaking anomolous power losses into it, or transducing anomolous power from it.
Considering torsion in a rotating electrical system, Kron's work implies that the anomalous loss or gain is the result of the dynamic folding or pleating of local space that results when rotating systems are coupled. The spiraling of the vectors of force that result when torsion is extreme enough causes the vectors that in normal space are perpendicular, such as electricity and magnetism, to undergo a parallelsm or a "kind of distant parallelism" brought about by the various degrees in the warping of spacetime as a function of the amount of torsion. Recently had the thought that the vectors would "switch," but the twisting to parallel idea is more in keeping with the nature of the torsional forces.
What exactly would elecromagnetism transform into in this tempic/torsional state, some kind of naturally superconductive magnetic current affecting timeflow? So if bound "parallel" states between the EMT forces are possible, we now have greater possible links than I thought to the EMT torsional forces local to brain states and consciousness.
best regards,
"To prevent the consequences of ferroresonance (untimely tripping of protection devices,destruction of equipment such as power transformers or voltage transformers, production losses,...), it is necessary to:
understand the phenomenon,
predict it,
identify it and
avoid or eliminate it.
Little is known about this complex phenomenon [outside of H's Tesla based work and the black projects-ab] as it is rare and cannot be analysed or predicted by the computation methods (based on linear approximation) normally used by [or taught to-ab] electrical engineers. This lack of knowledge means that it is readily considered responsible for a number of unexplained destructions or malfunctionings of equipment.
A distinction drawn between resonance and ferroresonance will highlight the specific and sometimes disconcerting characteristics of ferroresonance.
Practical examples of electrical power system configurations at risk from ferroresonance are used to identify and emphasise the variety of potentially dangerous configurations.Well-informed system designers avoid putting themselves in such risky situations."
There's the professional kabosh -- "well-informed system designers" don't play with ferroresonance!!!
I just came across a 60 year old paper Gabriel Kron wrote on local gauging using Einstein's own tensor analysis. Kron states that highly anomalous "creeping" in electrical systems is only explainable using higher dimensional geometries incorporating some form of the Einstein's spacetime tensor transformations, using the Reimann-Christofell tensor that defines curvature, or Einstein's own torsion tensor.
"This paper discusses some aspects of Kron's tensor theories associated with the use of non-holonomic reference systems in the mathematical treatment of rotating electrical machines. The general theory is discussed in the first part, and is applied in the second part, by way of illustration, to a squirrel-cage induction motor."
He set about defining a general machine using tensors, and then shows that the entity can be transformed by a tensor from one machine to another, one has only to know the particular transformation tensor, C in his notation, that transforms the matrix of one into the matrix of another. One also now knows how the components of the new machine interrelate.
Now Kron provides the mathematics to explain anomolous circuit behavior where the output becomes significantly more or less than standard predictive models allow.
The kick is he's working locally with Einstein's global language and methods.
The local system affects the local spacetime curvature in such a way that the system is either leaking anomolous power losses into it, or transducing anomolous power from it.
Considering torsion in a rotating electrical system, Kron's work implies that the anomalous loss or gain is the result of the dynamic folding or pleating of local space that results when rotating systems are coupled. The spiraling of the vectors of force that result when torsion is extreme enough causes the vectors that in normal space are perpendicular, such as electricity and magnetism, to undergo a parallelsm or a "kind of distant parallelism" brought about by the various degrees in the warping of spacetime as a function of the amount of torsion. Recently had the thought that the vectors would "switch," but the twisting to parallel idea is more in keeping with the nature of the torsional forces.
What exactly would elecromagnetism transform into in this tempic/torsional state, some kind of naturally superconductive magnetic current affecting timeflow? So if bound "parallel" states between the EMT forces are possible, we now have greater possible links than I thought to the EMT torsional forces local to brain states and consciousness.
best regards,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hermetic Libraries in Sacred Texts site:
Chartres Green man
Green Man and Green Beasts
Churches and Church carvings
tree of life
Christ as the Architypal Green Man
All 21,241 Chartres images on flickr
chartres grail
The language of the eye, the lang d oc.
Go to source web page>>
The fact is that Walter Lang reports that Fulcanelli contacted Jacques Bergier (Яков Михайлович Бергёр) to warn French atomic physicist André Hellbronner of man's impending use of nuclear weapons. According to Fulcanelli, nuclear weapons have been used before against humanity being the Abyss pandemonium as noted much later by Dr. Albert Einstein. Dr. Hellbronner and Chevillon among others were assassinated by the Gestapo towards the end of World War II.[3]
The meeting between Jacques Bergier and Fulcanelli took place in June 1937 in a laboratory of the Gas Board in Paris. According to Neil Powell, the following is a translation of the original verbatim transcript of the rendezvous: Fulcanelli told Bergier:
"You're on the brink of success, as indeed are several other of our scientists today. Please, allow me, be very very careful. I warn you... The liberation of atomic energy is easier than you think and the radioactivity artificially produced can poison the atmosphere of our planet in a very short time, a few years. Moreover, atomic explosives can be produced from a few grains of metal powerful enough to destroy whole cities. I'm telling you this for a fact: the alchemists have known it for a very long time... "I shall not attempt to prove to you what I'm now going to say but I ask you to repeat it to M. Hellbronner: certain geometrical arrangements of highly purified materials are enough to release atomic forces without having recourse to either electricity or vacuum techniques... The secret of alchemy is this: there is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a priviliged position vis-à-vis the Universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work." [4]
Go to source web page>>
The two books by Fulcanelli are
Le Mystère des Cathédrales (The Mystery of the Cathedrals), written in 1922 and published in Paris in 1929.
Les Demeures Philosophales (Dwellings of the Philosophers), published in Paris in 1930.
Go to source web page>>
fulcanelli explanation in alchemical glossary
le mystere des cathedrals
les demeures philosophales
An old Gaulish name, Wouivre, is given to snakes that glide, to rivers that snake through the landscape, to telluric currents that snake underground from the depths of the terrestrial strata, bringing life that fructifies Earth and Man. The name is also given to such currents as we term cosmic or magnetic. Anyone who has driven across La Bauce, which Waiter Pater called the country of peaches and wine, and seen the cathedral on its mound can easily imagine that the towers draw power from the sky while telluric currents rise through the well to mingle with it. Such places used to be marked with stones we call menhirs; tall stones that localised and condensed the vertilising properties of Earth and Heaven. One can think of the cathedral as such a stone.
Again, the crypt or grotto beneath the cathedral is a dolmenic chamber. A dolmen is found at a spot where the telluric current exercises its action. It is a stone table, resting on supports, that acts like an accumulator and it is capable of vibration, so that it acts as an amplifier as well; it is a drum. Thus, it is in the domenic chamber that man seeks Earth's gift. It seems probable that the cathedral stands over a point where a particular current surfaces, a current that may awaken a man to the spiritual life in him. That is why among all the churches in France that are named for Notre Dame, Chartres is the only one in which no king, cardinal or bishop is interred. The Mound must remain inviolate.
The cathedral, then, is an instrument of high initiation. To be initiated is to be integrated with the play of natural forces and to be penetrated with spirit. There were three stages of progress before the aspirant came to the dolmen-chamber and this journey must lie in the orientation of the cathedral. We note that the apse faces not East but North-East. This probably shews the direction of the telluric current which a man must face, upright, with bare feet, hands raised. To turn the back on it is to reject the gift.
Go to source web page>>
Fulcanelli Chartres
Fulcanelli's main point, the key to unraveling the mystery, lies in an understanding of what he calls the "phonetic law" of the "spoken cabala," or the "Language of the Birds." This punning, multi-lingual word play can be used to reveal unusual and, according to Fulcanelli, meaningful associations between ideas. "What unsuspected marvels we should find, if we knew how to dissect words, to strip them of their barks and liberate the spirit, the divine light, which is within," Fulcanelli writes. He claims that in our day this is the natural language of the outsiders, the outlaws and heretics at the fringes of society.
It was also the "green language" of the Freemasons ("All the Initiates expressed themselves in cant," Fulcanelli reminds us) who built the art gothique of the cathedrals. Ultimately the "art cot," or the "art of light," is derived from the Language of the Birds, which seems to be a sort of Ur-language taught by both Jesus and the ancients. It is also related to the Sufi text by Attar the Chemist, entitled "The Conference of the Birds." In de Tassey's French translation of this work, which Fulcanelli references, the "conference" of the title is translated as "language." De Tassey goes on to explain the complex linguist metaphor beneath the simple fable. Fulcanelli uses the same method to decode the alchemical meaning of the cathedrals.
Go to source web page>>
alchemical indigo
Chartres Green man
Green Man and Green Beasts
Churches and Church carvings
tree of life
Christ as the Architypal Green Man
All 21,241 Chartres images on flickr
chartres grail
The language of the eye, the lang d oc.
Go to source web page>>
The fact is that Walter Lang reports that Fulcanelli contacted Jacques Bergier (Яков Михайлович Бергёр) to warn French atomic physicist André Hellbronner of man's impending use of nuclear weapons. According to Fulcanelli, nuclear weapons have been used before against humanity being the Abyss pandemonium as noted much later by Dr. Albert Einstein. Dr. Hellbronner and Chevillon among others were assassinated by the Gestapo towards the end of World War II.[3]
The meeting between Jacques Bergier and Fulcanelli took place in June 1937 in a laboratory of the Gas Board in Paris. According to Neil Powell, the following is a translation of the original verbatim transcript of the rendezvous: Fulcanelli told Bergier:
"You're on the brink of success, as indeed are several other of our scientists today. Please, allow me, be very very careful. I warn you... The liberation of atomic energy is easier than you think and the radioactivity artificially produced can poison the atmosphere of our planet in a very short time, a few years. Moreover, atomic explosives can be produced from a few grains of metal powerful enough to destroy whole cities. I'm telling you this for a fact: the alchemists have known it for a very long time... "I shall not attempt to prove to you what I'm now going to say but I ask you to repeat it to M. Hellbronner: certain geometrical arrangements of highly purified materials are enough to release atomic forces without having recourse to either electricity or vacuum techniques... The secret of alchemy is this: there is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a priviliged position vis-à-vis the Universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work." [4]
Go to source web page>>
The two books by Fulcanelli are
Le Mystère des Cathédrales (The Mystery of the Cathedrals), written in 1922 and published in Paris in 1929.
Les Demeures Philosophales (Dwellings of the Philosophers), published in Paris in 1930.
Go to source web page>>
fulcanelli explanation in alchemical glossary
le mystere des cathedrals
les demeures philosophales
An old Gaulish name, Wouivre, is given to snakes that glide, to rivers that snake through the landscape, to telluric currents that snake underground from the depths of the terrestrial strata, bringing life that fructifies Earth and Man. The name is also given to such currents as we term cosmic or magnetic. Anyone who has driven across La Bauce, which Waiter Pater called the country of peaches and wine, and seen the cathedral on its mound can easily imagine that the towers draw power from the sky while telluric currents rise through the well to mingle with it. Such places used to be marked with stones we call menhirs; tall stones that localised and condensed the vertilising properties of Earth and Heaven. One can think of the cathedral as such a stone.
Again, the crypt or grotto beneath the cathedral is a dolmenic chamber. A dolmen is found at a spot where the telluric current exercises its action. It is a stone table, resting on supports, that acts like an accumulator and it is capable of vibration, so that it acts as an amplifier as well; it is a drum. Thus, it is in the domenic chamber that man seeks Earth's gift. It seems probable that the cathedral stands over a point where a particular current surfaces, a current that may awaken a man to the spiritual life in him. That is why among all the churches in France that are named for Notre Dame, Chartres is the only one in which no king, cardinal or bishop is interred. The Mound must remain inviolate.
The cathedral, then, is an instrument of high initiation. To be initiated is to be integrated with the play of natural forces and to be penetrated with spirit. There were three stages of progress before the aspirant came to the dolmen-chamber and this journey must lie in the orientation of the cathedral. We note that the apse faces not East but North-East. This probably shews the direction of the telluric current which a man must face, upright, with bare feet, hands raised. To turn the back on it is to reject the gift.
Go to source web page>>
Fulcanelli Chartres
Fulcanelli's main point, the key to unraveling the mystery, lies in an understanding of what he calls the "phonetic law" of the "spoken cabala," or the "Language of the Birds." This punning, multi-lingual word play can be used to reveal unusual and, according to Fulcanelli, meaningful associations between ideas. "What unsuspected marvels we should find, if we knew how to dissect words, to strip them of their barks and liberate the spirit, the divine light, which is within," Fulcanelli writes. He claims that in our day this is the natural language of the outsiders, the outlaws and heretics at the fringes of society.
It was also the "green language" of the Freemasons ("All the Initiates expressed themselves in cant," Fulcanelli reminds us) who built the art gothique of the cathedrals. Ultimately the "art cot," or the "art of light," is derived from the Language of the Birds, which seems to be a sort of Ur-language taught by both Jesus and the ancients. It is also related to the Sufi text by Attar the Chemist, entitled "The Conference of the Birds." In de Tassey's French translation of this work, which Fulcanelli references, the "conference" of the title is translated as "language." De Tassey goes on to explain the complex linguist metaphor beneath the simple fable. Fulcanelli uses the same method to decode the alchemical meaning of the cathedrals.
Go to source web page>>
alchemical indigo
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
for capacitors:
"battery , coil ,diode , capacitor ..(nothing else ) & a pushbutton.
OK you push button and current from the battery goes to coil where it
charges up to maximal saturation .. ( Put here time required to do
that) to reach maximal saturation ..
That is the POINT where your COIL amperage is MAXIMAL .
Now switch power off , as field collapses a voltage is GENERATED at x
frequency that is determined by wire end capacitance & interwinding
capacitance & circuit LOAD ...
Put a CAPACITOR, where across a diode the collapsing current in coil
turns to charge, pick the capacitance were a logarithmic RF gain is
GENERATED as RADIANT energy results from the capacitance coil
interaction that RESULT in collecting a JOULE potential within the
CAPACITOR exeding the WATT input required to saturate coil .
>>>> Coil can also be a LAWNMOWER MOTOR !!!! <
Things to NOTE , the coil & core characteristics , low REMANANCE hi
quality utility transformer laminate being the best OFF shelf stuff
or ANY other Hi permeability LOW remanance core material .
as to design AMPERE turn (Henry value (Impedance)) to best
saturation with minimal energy on your CHOSEN working voltage range
(amplitude parameter ) choosing the TIME the power needs to be turn
on to aquire saturation (the Pulse length parameter ) and the best
frequency COIL-capacitor maximal Q design need to COLLECT the reverse
CEMP potential across a diode into a capacitor .. (can be using
second coil with another ampere turn design to collect the 1.618
logaritmic potential within OTHER amplitude range parameter . (energy
pumping) Loss is reversed to gain & amplified .
That sums it Up -applicable to all designs in ZPE R-E (RF) OU power ."
"[Bearden}is the one suppressing meg now , fact is he cant LOAD meg without
Loosing its OU states .. For that he needs Diode plug and extraction
switching method or Complex Reactive conversion filter bridges .
(Ultra bitch hard to tune ) "
RF source is ferrite cores - this is the ferroresonant stuff engineers are instructed to squelch!
This is the nonlinearity that Kron was theorizing about.
from group_15.txt:
"You have to address the way of broadband recovery of the myriad of
cascading damping signals that occur within the single narrow-banded
signal ...(hypersignal)
lets say you have a peak at 128KC in a very sharp spike (narrow-band )
but within that signal you have a very broad-banded set of Hi power RF
microwave signals at 1.6 GHZ from the electron spin regions of the
Iron atoms within the core of ferroxplana ,with a myriad of
sub-harmonics at 1.3 to 4.5 mhz (Way OU )
Its Fact a resonant band pass filter and capture network is needed
and it must be impedance matched as not to kill main reactor resonance
and not reflective to same effect ...
Reread x4 caps setups of past postings and harmonic signal capture
( post on trafos & ferroresonance will give light also )"
evgray message #17444
Re: More Ferro resonance stuff from N and H:
Any 3 PH transformer can be converted to a magnetless Electro Magnetic
Amplifier as is .... MEMA ...
That MAKES MEG obsolete ( apart that in went under OU at reactive or
at any loading )
MEMA Power can be Extracted using the non reflective Diode capacitor
plug system ...
There is a world there in solid state 3 phase power generation ..
Anyway you put it using book rules POWER factor becomes a Phase driver
force in a 3 phase transformer driven with a one phase source , like
RV a CAPACITOR is used to create the virtual 3 phases ...
Result is undeniable overunity due to natural magnetic amplification
factors (RF) within A,B,C phases creation .
Transformers require more delicate tuning since they lack the Rotating
inertia of the iron mass inductive forces , but once resonant states
are achieved ir rotary fields system is quite stable ...
Just be careful and avoid the PM - EMP conditions already mentioned .
All electrical stuff can be fried dead in miles radius !
Not to speak of Peacemaker toting people ...
So play safe and take care to shield things properly and using fast
fuses & safety varistor arresters ...
You still have no idea of the energy contained in an Iron atom !
Yes, H focuses on the iron electrons. Somewhere he says as they exceed lightspeed they gain mass. He has a working theory for the torsion tensor anomalies he has witnessed. That it may also involve spin coherence of iron nuclei is something that has perhaps not occurred to him. It's probably beside the point from his engineering perspective.I don't know from what future texts he downloads from, but I believe he is in touch with unusual information sources, to say the least. This of course also goes along with Kron's ideas wrt Einstein's Unified Field and torsion tensors. H has described temporal anomalies associated with looped motors and these rotating tensors, most recently:
"Want truth .... ?
Looping only brings pain .... LOTS of IT !
RVA humping a DC motor on looped condition produces time portal delay
AS I was charging a battery with it A passing car with loud music past
ourside my lab ...
2 to 3 minutes later the same LOUD music was Heard in the RVA room
I went Ouside to see were the music was coming from (nowhere all silent )
I went inside & the music was coming from the RVA itself ....
I told myself in loud voice Holy SHIT ! as music stopped 3 minutes
later I hear my own voice coming out of the RVA saying Holy Shit .
This along with Searl disk alike weird anomalic shit is what makes
goverment fear looped systems so much as they are only ones with the
time machines and all that area 4 & 51 weird stuff they want to remain
the only ones having it ..."
I would also like to say hi and welcome to A, while noting that above quote from H parallels A's statement:
"Such OU machine can be more brutal in the local density of karma being detoxed in a short time as opposed to receiving shaktipat from say a authentic guru who knows how to monitor the process with his heart. This poses the real engineering problem of designing, using and who is supposed to used an OU machine them in our society."
"What i'm try to say here: the ultimate Overunity machine (OU) is our own body-mind-energy matrix trying to self-realize so in the long run, there is no engineering OU machine to build but only reactivate our own real nature.
Of course to reach illumination, we need a system, a method, a map which is why we have lineages such as yoga, tantra, chaman, reiki, sufi, kabbalah, gnostic,..."
A possible example John Chang,a nei kung master. I found this video last week and just finished a book about him entitled "The Magus of Java" by Kosta Danaos. Chang spent 18 yrs hammering his dan tien into an aetheric homopolar generator. He heals, levitates, condenses and spins chi through his arm bones and out his palms.
"battery , coil ,diode , capacitor ..(nothing else ) & a pushbutton.
OK you push button and current from the battery goes to coil where it
charges up to maximal saturation .. ( Put here time required to do
that) to reach maximal saturation ..
That is the POINT where your COIL amperage is MAXIMAL .
Now switch power off , as field collapses a voltage is GENERATED at x
frequency that is determined by wire end capacitance & interwinding
capacitance & circuit LOAD ...
Put a CAPACITOR, where across a diode the collapsing current in coil
turns to charge, pick the capacitance were a logarithmic RF gain is
GENERATED as RADIANT energy results from the capacitance coil
interaction that RESULT in collecting a JOULE potential within the
CAPACITOR exeding the WATT input required to saturate coil .
>>>> Coil can also be a LAWNMOWER MOTOR !!!! <
Things to NOTE , the coil & core characteristics , low REMANANCE hi
quality utility transformer laminate being the best OFF shelf stuff
or ANY other Hi permeability LOW remanance core material .
as to design AMPERE turn (Henry value (Impedance)) to best
saturation with minimal energy on your CHOSEN working voltage range
(amplitude parameter ) choosing the TIME the power needs to be turn
on to aquire saturation (the Pulse length parameter ) and the best
frequency COIL-capacitor maximal Q design need to COLLECT the reverse
CEMP potential across a diode into a capacitor .. (can be using
second coil with another ampere turn design to collect the 1.618
logaritmic potential within OTHER amplitude range parameter . (energy
pumping) Loss is reversed to gain & amplified .
That sums it Up -applicable to all designs in ZPE R-E (RF) OU power ."
"[Bearden}is the one suppressing meg now , fact is he cant LOAD meg without
Loosing its OU states .. For that he needs Diode plug and extraction
switching method or Complex Reactive conversion filter bridges .
(Ultra bitch hard to tune ) "
RF source is ferrite cores - this is the ferroresonant stuff engineers are instructed to squelch!
This is the nonlinearity that Kron was theorizing about.
from group_15.txt:
"You have to address the way of broadband recovery of the myriad of
cascading damping signals that occur within the single narrow-banded
signal ...(hypersignal)
lets say you have a peak at 128KC in a very sharp spike (narrow-band )
but within that signal you have a very broad-banded set of Hi power RF
microwave signals at 1.6 GHZ from the electron spin regions of the
Iron atoms within the core of ferroxplana ,with a myriad of
sub-harmonics at 1.3 to 4.5 mhz (Way OU )
Its Fact a resonant band pass filter and capture network is needed
and it must be impedance matched as not to kill main reactor resonance
and not reflective to same effect ...
Reread x4 caps setups of past postings and harmonic signal capture
( post on trafos & ferroresonance will give light also )"
evgray message #17444
Re: More Ferro resonance stuff from N and H:
Any 3 PH transformer can be converted to a magnetless Electro Magnetic
Amplifier as is .... MEMA ...
That MAKES MEG obsolete ( apart that in went under OU at reactive or
at any loading )
MEMA Power can be Extracted using the non reflective Diode capacitor
plug system ...
There is a world there in solid state 3 phase power generation ..
Anyway you put it using book rules POWER factor becomes a Phase driver
force in a 3 phase transformer driven with a one phase source , like
RV a CAPACITOR is used to create the virtual 3 phases ...
Result is undeniable overunity due to natural magnetic amplification
factors (RF) within A,B,C phases creation .
Transformers require more delicate tuning since they lack the Rotating
inertia of the iron mass inductive forces , but once resonant states
are achieved ir rotary fields system is quite stable ...
Just be careful and avoid the PM - EMP conditions already mentioned .
All electrical stuff can be fried dead in miles radius !
Not to speak of Peacemaker toting people ...
So play safe and take care to shield things properly and using fast
fuses & safety varistor arresters ...
You still have no idea of the energy contained in an Iron atom !
Yes, H focuses on the iron electrons. Somewhere he says as they exceed lightspeed they gain mass. He has a working theory for the torsion tensor anomalies he has witnessed. That it may also involve spin coherence of iron nuclei is something that has perhaps not occurred to him. It's probably beside the point from his engineering perspective.I don't know from what future texts he downloads from, but I believe he is in touch with unusual information sources, to say the least. This of course also goes along with Kron's ideas wrt Einstein's Unified Field and torsion tensors. H has described temporal anomalies associated with looped motors and these rotating tensors, most recently:
"Want truth .... ?
Looping only brings pain .... LOTS of IT !
RVA humping a DC motor on looped condition produces time portal delay
AS I was charging a battery with it A passing car with loud music past
ourside my lab ...
2 to 3 minutes later the same LOUD music was Heard in the RVA room
I went Ouside to see were the music was coming from (nowhere all silent )
I went inside & the music was coming from the RVA itself ....
I told myself in loud voice Holy SHIT ! as music stopped 3 minutes
later I hear my own voice coming out of the RVA saying Holy Shit .
This along with Searl disk alike weird anomalic shit is what makes
goverment fear looped systems so much as they are only ones with the
time machines and all that area 4 & 51 weird stuff they want to remain
the only ones having it ..."
I would also like to say hi and welcome to A, while noting that above quote from H parallels A's statement:
"Such OU machine can be more brutal in the local density of karma being detoxed in a short time as opposed to receiving shaktipat from say a authentic guru who knows how to monitor the process with his heart. This poses the real engineering problem of designing, using and who is supposed to used an OU machine them in our society."
"What i'm try to say here: the ultimate Overunity machine (OU) is our own body-mind-energy matrix trying to self-realize so in the long run, there is no engineering OU machine to build but only reactivate our own real nature.
Of course to reach illumination, we need a system, a method, a map which is why we have lineages such as yoga, tantra, chaman, reiki, sufi, kabbalah, gnostic,..."
A possible example John Chang,a nei kung master. I found this video last week and just finished a book about him entitled "The Magus of Java" by Kosta Danaos. Chang spent 18 yrs hammering his dan tien into an aetheric homopolar generator. He heals, levitates, condenses and spins chi through his arm bones and out his palms.
Without resonance how will you get amplification? Tesla was all about resonance.
From RE_Summary.pdf :
page 3
"If your generator and load are not matched in RF as if they were radio antenna dipole it will not work. They must be
balanced ... is not as simple as taking a frequency source and driving it into a given mass having a load in the middle.
The source will get double the reflected power and burn out as its power factor will be "0", so it has to be properly
matched in resonance to drive the dipole forward to attain end to end resonant energy transmission within an standing
wave in single wire."
And from page 7:
"OU is in resonance of the core !
One way to test is pulsing it with a short pulse & read the way it resonates. There you can find the natural ferroresonance
of your trafo core. Best is to pulse a material into saturation and see wherever there are resonant signals
within the decay pulse signal.
Those FUNDAMENTALS are the basic frequency were OU must be looked into, as is the natural frequency of the
material itself.
Then design COIL and capacitor value to resonate within those CORE sweet frequency ... (hyper Q)
EVERY motor has a sweet point were energy adds to energy ...
If you see Jinis page scope shots you see some spikes, those spikes are the natural resonance harmonics of the
transformer, the resonant slope indicates also its resonant point is on a sub harmonic as spike is very narrowbanded
(compressed in time so Pulse feeding in intermittent pulse-length matched to true fundamental increase its potential ten
fold ( Read Norman Wootan work on MRA ) hyper Q modes.
Resonance is the fundamental base of ZPE energy transformation. OU is transformation."
From RE_Summary.pdf :
page 3
"If your generator and load are not matched in RF as if they were radio antenna dipole it will not work. They must be
balanced ... is not as simple as taking a frequency source and driving it into a given mass having a load in the middle.
The source will get double the reflected power and burn out as its power factor will be "0", so it has to be properly
matched in resonance to drive the dipole forward to attain end to end resonant energy transmission within an standing
wave in single wire."
And from page 7:
"OU is in resonance of the core !
One way to test is pulsing it with a short pulse & read the way it resonates. There you can find the natural ferroresonance
of your trafo core. Best is to pulse a material into saturation and see wherever there are resonant signals
within the decay pulse signal.
Those FUNDAMENTALS are the basic frequency were OU must be looked into, as is the natural frequency of the
material itself.
Then design COIL and capacitor value to resonate within those CORE sweet frequency ... (hyper Q)
EVERY motor has a sweet point were energy adds to energy ...
If you see Jinis page scope shots you see some spikes, those spikes are the natural resonance harmonics of the
transformer, the resonant slope indicates also its resonant point is on a sub harmonic as spike is very narrowbanded
(compressed in time so Pulse feeding in intermittent pulse-length matched to true fundamental increase its potential ten
fold ( Read Norman Wootan work on MRA ) hyper Q modes.
Resonance is the fundamental base of ZPE energy transformation. OU is transformation."
On Nikola Tesla's 150th birthday. I was randomly looking at
some youtube Tesla videos and in one of them (I lost the ref.) there
was a quick flash over a photograph of one of his notebook pages. On
the page was this carefully printed Latin square palindrome. It was
found at Herculaneum:
It's a sort of word mirror.
It translates as "The planter Arepo holds the wheels to their work."
I wonder what sort of clue this is concerning mirror flows,etc. - it's
a bit like that 1961 Escher print "Waterfall."
Well anyway, I wished the old boy a happy birthday, wherever he may be...
Sorry, I really should have phrased it this way
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas
(as verbal vesica piscis/dorge: two mirror phrase flows surrounding the solid symmetrical seed/palindrome Tenet= literally "he/she coheres,holds.")
So this word mirror is a nice little present, wrapped in a box, to us perhaps from Dr T.
The central crux, literally, is TENET . It self mirrors as a palindrome.
The verb translates as "he she it holds, keeps, maintains, restrains."
We could translate the word as " It (reality,say) coheres" in the self
mirrorings of the matrix.
SATOR|ROTAS and AREPO|OPERA are "anti- node/particle" complements as
1/2 palindromic mirror images.
In terms of circulation of forces, when we've reached the system maximum
(1/2 palindrome end) on one side of the mirror, we are at the same moment
at the INVERSE minimum(1/2 palindrome beginning) of the other half.
And so this is the endlessly recirculating work of Nature's wheel -- and the
essence of the spin of the yin and the yang.
The fact that Tesla's famous "wheelwork" as the 1/2 palindromes
"opera rotas " is in here is just too beautiful!
The phrase also suggests what we have been saying wrt the importance of the
human operator as planter/seed bearer and maintainer of the process.
some youtube Tesla videos and in one of them (I lost the ref.) there
was a quick flash over a photograph of one of his notebook pages. On
the page was this carefully printed Latin square palindrome. It was
found at Herculaneum:
It's a sort of word mirror.
It translates as "The planter Arepo holds the wheels to their work."
I wonder what sort of clue this is concerning mirror flows,etc. - it's
a bit like that 1961 Escher print "Waterfall."
Well anyway, I wished the old boy a happy birthday, wherever he may be...
Sorry, I really should have phrased it this way
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas
(as verbal vesica piscis/dorge: two mirror phrase flows surrounding the solid symmetrical seed/palindrome Tenet= literally "he/she coheres,holds.")
So this word mirror is a nice little present, wrapped in a box, to us perhaps from Dr T.
The central crux, literally, is TENET . It self mirrors as a palindrome.
The verb translates as "he she it holds, keeps, maintains, restrains."
We could translate the word as " It (reality,say) coheres" in the self
mirrorings of the matrix.
SATOR|ROTAS and AREPO|OPERA are "anti- node/particle" complements as
1/2 palindromic mirror images.
In terms of circulation of forces, when we've reached the system maximum
(1/2 palindrome end) on one side of the mirror, we are at the same moment
at the INVERSE minimum(1/2 palindrome beginning) of the other half.
And so this is the endlessly recirculating work of Nature's wheel -- and the
essence of the spin of the yin and the yang.
The fact that Tesla's famous "wheelwork" as the 1/2 palindromes
"opera rotas " is in here is just too beautiful!
The phrase also suggests what we have been saying wrt the importance of the
human operator as planter/seed bearer and maintainer of the process.
I continue to sensitize myself to the subtle energies through chi gong practice. I also use Tibetan singing bowls for meditation - trying to work the chakras, esp. the heart chakra. But for this I do not have guru assistance. Perhaps that is a mistake.
I consult the I Ching from time to time. The Ken hexagram, Keeping Still/ Mountain, was thrown out at me when I asked a few days ago about meditation guidance.
This is very interesting. Let me quote:
"The image of this hexagram is the mountain, the youngest son of heaven and earth. The male principle is at the top, because it strives upward by nature; the female principle is below, since the direction of it's movement is downward. Thus there is rest because the movement has come to its normal end."
I immediately thought of A in the Andorra mountains climbing his sacred peaks. My thought is that this equipoise between the male and female principles, and the opposite direction of their forces, is perhaps is what contributes to the sense of sacredness on certain mountains. The exegesis continues:
" In its application to man, the hexagram turns upon the problem of achieving a quiet heart. It is very difficult to bring quiet to the heart. While Buddhism strives for rest through an ebbing away of all movement in nirvana, the Book of Changes [ie, the I Ching -ab] holds that rest is merely a state of polarity that always posits movement as its complement. Possibly the words of the text embody directions for the practice of yoga.
KEEPING STILL. Keeping his back still so that he no longer feels his body.
He goes into his courtyard and does not see his people. No blame.
The hexagram signifies the end and the beginning of all movement. The back is named because in the back are located all the nerve fibers that mediate movement. If the movement of these spinal nerves is brought to a standstill, the ego, with its restlessness, disappears as it were. When a man has thus become calm, he may turn to the outside world. He no longer sees in it the struggle and tumult of individual beings, and therefore he has that true peace of mind which is needed for understanding the great laws of the universe and for acting in harmony with them. Whoever acts from these deep levels makes no mistakes."
That last paragraph stunned me. Not only is it an important statement of exactly the sort of philosophy one needs for the deepest possible study of natural forces, but it hints at a method of attainment through spinal nerves and ego extinquishment.
This oracle is rather amazing.
I consult the I Ching from time to time. The Ken hexagram, Keeping Still/ Mountain, was thrown out at me when I asked a few days ago about meditation guidance.
This is very interesting. Let me quote:
"The image of this hexagram is the mountain, the youngest son of heaven and earth. The male principle is at the top, because it strives upward by nature; the female principle is below, since the direction of it's movement is downward. Thus there is rest because the movement has come to its normal end."
I immediately thought of A in the Andorra mountains climbing his sacred peaks. My thought is that this equipoise between the male and female principles, and the opposite direction of their forces, is perhaps is what contributes to the sense of sacredness on certain mountains. The exegesis continues:
" In its application to man, the hexagram turns upon the problem of achieving a quiet heart. It is very difficult to bring quiet to the heart. While Buddhism strives for rest through an ebbing away of all movement in nirvana, the Book of Changes [ie, the I Ching -ab] holds that rest is merely a state of polarity that always posits movement as its complement. Possibly the words of the text embody directions for the practice of yoga.
KEEPING STILL. Keeping his back still so that he no longer feels his body.
He goes into his courtyard and does not see his people. No blame.
The hexagram signifies the end and the beginning of all movement. The back is named because in the back are located all the nerve fibers that mediate movement. If the movement of these spinal nerves is brought to a standstill, the ego, with its restlessness, disappears as it were. When a man has thus become calm, he may turn to the outside world. He no longer sees in it the struggle and tumult of individual beings, and therefore he has that true peace of mind which is needed for understanding the great laws of the universe and for acting in harmony with them. Whoever acts from these deep levels makes no mistakes."
That last paragraph stunned me. Not only is it an important statement of exactly the sort of philosophy one needs for the deepest possible study of natural forces, but it hints at a method of attainment through spinal nerves and ego extinquishment.
This oracle is rather amazing.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Hi D and all -
this from Physics Today
"In commenting on letters responding to his Einstein article (PHYSICS TODAY, November 2005, page 31, [ entitled "Einstein's Mistakes"-ab] and April 2006, page 10 "The Value of Einstein's Mistakes"), Steven Weinberg states that he "never understood what is so important physically about the possibility of torsion in differential geometry." He basically argues that torsion "is just a tensor" and could be treated like any additional tensor field in the context of general relativity.
In my opinion, however, a decisive point was overlooked. Torsion is not just a tensor, but rather a very specific tensor that is intrinsically related to the translation group, as was shown by Élie Cartan1 in 1923–24. In fact, in the Yang–Mills sense, it is the field strength of the translations. Torsion is related to translations and curvature to Lorentz rotations. As one consequence, torsion cracks an infinitesimal parallelogram in the spacetime continuum and gives rise to a closure failure described by a vector (in dislocation theory in solids in three dimensions, it is the Burgers vector)."
"The simplest gravitational theory with torsion, the Einstein–Cartan theory, is a viable one. Incidentally, torsion could be measured by the precession of nuclear spins, even though the effects are expected to be minute in the present-day cosmos."
Minute, except in the cases of magnetic vortexes produced by Tesla and H, etc...
and this from Physics Forums
"The fact that the mathematical form of the torsion tensor is similar to the form of the Maxwell field strength tensor tantalized Einstein for a good three years,1928-1931,in one of his schemes to connect gravitation and electricity geometrically.For that theory,visit Living Reviews In Relativity,Hubert Goenner's 'On The History of Unified Fied Theories'."
This is the form of the theory which influenced Kron. Did Einstein unify the fields with that "distant parallelism" where the EM(T) G vectors twist together? Some authors suggest he retracted it as he feared misuse, or it was retracted after PX, etc.... and we still have guys like Weinberg trivializing it.
best regards,
this from Physics Today
"In commenting on letters responding to his Einstein article (PHYSICS TODAY, November 2005, page 31, [ entitled "Einstein's Mistakes"-ab] and April 2006, page 10 "The Value of Einstein's Mistakes"), Steven Weinberg states that he "never understood what is so important physically about the possibility of torsion in differential geometry." He basically argues that torsion "is just a tensor" and could be treated like any additional tensor field in the context of general relativity.
In my opinion, however, a decisive point was overlooked. Torsion is not just a tensor, but rather a very specific tensor that is intrinsically related to the translation group, as was shown by Élie Cartan1 in 1923–24. In fact, in the Yang–Mills sense, it is the field strength of the translations. Torsion is related to translations and curvature to Lorentz rotations. As one consequence, torsion cracks an infinitesimal parallelogram in the spacetime continuum and gives rise to a closure failure described by a vector (in dislocation theory in solids in three dimensions, it is the Burgers vector)."
"The simplest gravitational theory with torsion, the Einstein–Cartan theory, is a viable one. Incidentally, torsion could be measured by the precession of nuclear spins, even though the effects are expected to be minute in the present-day cosmos."
Minute, except in the cases of magnetic vortexes produced by Tesla and H, etc...
and this from Physics Forums
"The fact that the mathematical form of the torsion tensor is similar to the form of the Maxwell field strength tensor tantalized Einstein for a good three years,1928-1931,in one of his schemes to connect gravitation and electricity geometrically.For that theory,visit Living Reviews In Relativity,Hubert Goenner's 'On The History of Unified Fied Theories'."
This is the form of the theory which influenced Kron. Did Einstein unify the fields with that "distant parallelism" where the EM(T) G vectors twist together? Some authors suggest he retracted it as he feared misuse, or it was retracted after PX, etc.... and we still have guys like Weinberg trivializing it.
best regards,
Hi M-
Very well put! I've read most of H's posts and regard him as a modern Tesla. I believe the extreme form of RF Radiant Energy looping he speaks of involves spin coherence of the nuclear forces in a kind of induction of a local temporal/gravitational analogy to magnetism. This is where the weird stuff happens.
I am reminded of a passage from the book "The Morning of the Magicians," where the alchemist Fulcanelli meets with Jacques Bergier and says:
"The secret of alchemy is this: there is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the Universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
I don't know through what conjured spin conditions this "force" arises. Henry William Wallace's experiments point the way. http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/weird/wallc/
And to review, "torsion cracks an infinitesimal parallelogram in the spacetime continuum and gives rise to a closure failure described by a vector (in dislocation theory in solids in three dimensions, it is the Burgers vector)."
But this, I think I'm not overreaching, is the 4D tensor analysis of how, through torsion in Kron's extension of Einstein's UF theory "the E and M and G and time vectors". become "distantly parallel." So too, must this be the case in the torsional "zigzag transactions" of H's extreme form of resonant looping --
The age of the Magi would be upon us?
Another tantalizing glint toward Seiki's Nuclear Electric Resonance.....and towards, I don't know, a way for the two electricities to engage -- conscious and nuclear - through another method as yet unknown to all but the angels and the magi, and now these new shamans of the monopole, an auric/tempic intermediary manipulation of the aether,as a tensile, "rigidified" in Tesla terms, medium of spiritual/ material exchanges. This would be the unified field involving consciousness.
Very well put! I've read most of H's posts and regard him as a modern Tesla. I believe the extreme form of RF Radiant Energy looping he speaks of involves spin coherence of the nuclear forces in a kind of induction of a local temporal/gravitational analogy to magnetism. This is where the weird stuff happens.
I am reminded of a passage from the book "The Morning of the Magicians," where the alchemist Fulcanelli meets with Jacques Bergier and says:
"The secret of alchemy is this: there is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the Universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
I don't know through what conjured spin conditions this "force" arises. Henry William Wallace's experiments point the way. http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/weird/wallc/
And to review, "torsion cracks an infinitesimal parallelogram in the spacetime continuum and gives rise to a closure failure described by a vector (in dislocation theory in solids in three dimensions, it is the Burgers vector)."
But this, I think I'm not overreaching, is the 4D tensor analysis of how, through torsion in Kron's extension of Einstein's UF theory "the E and M and G and time vectors". become "distantly parallel." So too, must this be the case in the torsional "zigzag transactions" of H's extreme form of resonant looping --
The age of the Magi would be upon us?
Another tantalizing glint toward Seiki's Nuclear Electric Resonance.....and towards, I don't know, a way for the two electricities to engage -- conscious and nuclear - through another method as yet unknown to all but the angels and the magi, and now these new shamans of the monopole, an auric/tempic intermediary manipulation of the aether,as a tensile, "rigidified" in Tesla terms, medium of spiritual/ material exchanges. This would be the unified field involving consciousness.
Hi Bob
Thanks for that important bit.
I synchronously found this site below which expounds on discussion yesterday of the proper trinity -- the father, the son, and the holy mother as embodied at Chartres. The two Marys, mother and lover, need to be incorporated in the liturgy and into the planet consciousness in order to free the imprisoned energy of the "Mater Dolorosa," depicted as the mourning Mary cradling her dying son,i.e, the sad earth mother herself grieving her dying child, the earth.
Christianity equates the feminine principle with evil through Eve's sins. The Feminine Principle is dark, but not evil. The womb is dark, the fertile loam is black and creant. Primordial Black Madonnas as dark, wooden statues have always been venerated all over France and morphed into Mary in the most recent Christian dispensation. The discussion below expands on this idea.
This is a subtle energy, a control energy, as a "4th derivative of position," chi, prana, that must and actually can be incorporated into consciousness in order to raise our planetary/cosmic/spiritual awareness.
"The search for Christ as the Green Man also reveals the presence of the Divine Feminine which is necessary to his archetype. Whereas the pagan religions of the vegetation gods honored the Goddess as the matrix of life, Christianity suppressed the role of the Divine Feminine in its image of deity. This is a basic cause of the negative attitudes toward nature which are often found in Christianity, for “Mother Nature” is the realm of the feminine. The archetypal Great Goddess has become fragmented and devalued in Christianity, but her outline is still there. The Virgin Mary, mother of Christ, can be seen as a representation of the ancient Mother Goddess who mourns her sacrificed son. As the "Mater Dolorosa," the grieving mother, Mary follows the archetypal pattern of goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, and Kybele in weeping for her crucified son. During the Middle Ages this representation of the Virgin Mary became especially popular, and many representations of the "Pietà," the Virgin Mary mourning the body of her dead son, appeared in art and sculpture."
"This symbolic interpretation of Christ as a representation of the archetypal Green Man has great value for an emerging Christian mythos which is consistent with the ecological challenge of our time. For Christ as Green Man is an embodiment of the creative energy of the life force which causes trees to leaf, flowers to blossom, and plants to bear fruit. Christ as Green Man is the fertile, fructifying power of the Divine which is present within all of nature. He is the essence of life and growth which has always been associated with Mother Nature. Thus the revelation of the Green Man aspect of Christ brings the corollary recognition of the Divine Feminine within Christian tradition. The integration of the archetypal polarities of Goddess and Green Man is beautifully expressed in the eighteenth century New England song entitled Jesus Christ the Apple Tree:
The tree of life my soul hath seen,
Laden with fruit, and always green:
The trees of nature fruitless be
Compared with Christ the apple tree.11
In this simple yet profound verse, Christ as the evergreen 'tree of life' can be clearly seen as the archetypal Green Man. But here the tree of life is 'the apple tree,' a tree which has ancient associations with the Goddess. This lovely image unites the Goddess and Christ as the Green Man.
This mythological interpretation overcomes the dualities of spirit and nature, transcendent and immanent, and masculine and feminine which have so often plagued Christianity. Christ as the archetypal Green Man provides the basis for the celebration of the sacred within the natural world. This recognition of the immanence of the Divine brings the necessary complement to the transcendent God which is required for an ecological spirituality grounded in Christian tradition."
This is the true secret of the Grail and the New Jeruaslem that the Templars encoded into Chartres. Please see the actual energy map of sacred France that the Templars were and still are tapping into as outlined here:
France IS sacred ground.
As I said, the Templars managed to hold open a crack in the wall between worlds by flowing earth's chthonic energy into the resonances of their singing stones -- allowing a little lambent elsewhere light to leak in.
From message 2991:
"Now let us have a look at the seven-pointed star of the Knight Templars in France. An old map of the Knight Templars shows the position of the seven main Commanderies which are arranged in the form of a star. Also here the rays of the star are in the same order as the planets. But there is a difference: they are arranged in a contrary order. Close to the centre of the star the name of Bourges, a town, stands out. Interestingly enough the famous alchemist Fulcanelli described Bourges as the ”Keystone of the Great Work of the Alchemists in Europe”, without however giving any further explanation. Only in 1998 this riddle was revealed, partly at least. Geomantist Peter Dawkins had found an extensive energy line, a so-called ley-line, that passes through France starting from Saintes Maries de-la-Mer (the most important place of pilgrimage of the Sinti and Roma), and running through Bourges and Chartres, and even through England. As many places of the legend of the Grail are located on this line, Dawkins called it the ”line of the Grail”. Exactly this line of the Grail passes through the centre of the seven-pointed star of the Knight Templars. In the North of France it divides the ray of the Sun precisely, and in the South it runs between the rays of Saturn and Moon into the Mediterranean. Mind you that this line of the Grail is not depicted in the old map of the Knight Templars. Could this coincidence be mere chance? Hardly: Sun, Moon and Saturn, the three planetary rays placed on the line of the Grail represent the trinity of body, spirit and soul. In the alchemy they stand for Sal, Sulphur and Mercurius. And if we look at the Vitriol seven-pointed star, the deliberate placement of the seven-pointed star is even more apparent."
All this points to how this dying planet must be resurrected/ healed, and freed from the tyranny of the yang corruptions of bankery, usury, and political, war-mongering hegemony.
best regards pilgrim,
Thanks for that important bit.
I synchronously found this site below which expounds on discussion yesterday of the proper trinity -- the father, the son, and the holy mother as embodied at Chartres. The two Marys, mother and lover, need to be incorporated in the liturgy and into the planet consciousness in order to free the imprisoned energy of the "Mater Dolorosa," depicted as the mourning Mary cradling her dying son,i.e, the sad earth mother herself grieving her dying child, the earth.
Christianity equates the feminine principle with evil through Eve's sins. The Feminine Principle is dark, but not evil. The womb is dark, the fertile loam is black and creant. Primordial Black Madonnas as dark, wooden statues have always been venerated all over France and morphed into Mary in the most recent Christian dispensation. The discussion below expands on this idea.
This is a subtle energy, a control energy, as a "4th derivative of position," chi, prana, that must and actually can be incorporated into consciousness in order to raise our planetary/cosmic/spiritual awareness.
"The search for Christ as the Green Man also reveals the presence of the Divine Feminine which is necessary to his archetype. Whereas the pagan religions of the vegetation gods honored the Goddess as the matrix of life, Christianity suppressed the role of the Divine Feminine in its image of deity. This is a basic cause of the negative attitudes toward nature which are often found in Christianity, for “Mother Nature” is the realm of the feminine. The archetypal Great Goddess has become fragmented and devalued in Christianity, but her outline is still there. The Virgin Mary, mother of Christ, can be seen as a representation of the ancient Mother Goddess who mourns her sacrificed son. As the "Mater Dolorosa," the grieving mother, Mary follows the archetypal pattern of goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, and Kybele in weeping for her crucified son. During the Middle Ages this representation of the Virgin Mary became especially popular, and many representations of the "Pietà," the Virgin Mary mourning the body of her dead son, appeared in art and sculpture."
"This symbolic interpretation of Christ as a representation of the archetypal Green Man has great value for an emerging Christian mythos which is consistent with the ecological challenge of our time. For Christ as Green Man is an embodiment of the creative energy of the life force which causes trees to leaf, flowers to blossom, and plants to bear fruit. Christ as Green Man is the fertile, fructifying power of the Divine which is present within all of nature. He is the essence of life and growth which has always been associated with Mother Nature. Thus the revelation of the Green Man aspect of Christ brings the corollary recognition of the Divine Feminine within Christian tradition. The integration of the archetypal polarities of Goddess and Green Man is beautifully expressed in the eighteenth century New England song entitled Jesus Christ the Apple Tree:
The tree of life my soul hath seen,
Laden with fruit, and always green:
The trees of nature fruitless be
Compared with Christ the apple tree.11
In this simple yet profound verse, Christ as the evergreen 'tree of life' can be clearly seen as the archetypal Green Man. But here the tree of life is 'the apple tree,' a tree which has ancient associations with the Goddess. This lovely image unites the Goddess and Christ as the Green Man.
This mythological interpretation overcomes the dualities of spirit and nature, transcendent and immanent, and masculine and feminine which have so often plagued Christianity. Christ as the archetypal Green Man provides the basis for the celebration of the sacred within the natural world. This recognition of the immanence of the Divine brings the necessary complement to the transcendent God which is required for an ecological spirituality grounded in Christian tradition."
This is the true secret of the Grail and the New Jeruaslem that the Templars encoded into Chartres. Please see the actual energy map of sacred France that the Templars were and still are tapping into as outlined here:
France IS sacred ground.
As I said, the Templars managed to hold open a crack in the wall between worlds by flowing earth's chthonic energy into the resonances of their singing stones -- allowing a little lambent elsewhere light to leak in.
From message 2991:
"Now let us have a look at the seven-pointed star of the Knight Templars in France. An old map of the Knight Templars shows the position of the seven main Commanderies which are arranged in the form of a star. Also here the rays of the star are in the same order as the planets. But there is a difference: they are arranged in a contrary order. Close to the centre of the star the name of Bourges, a town, stands out. Interestingly enough the famous alchemist Fulcanelli described Bourges as the ”Keystone of the Great Work of the Alchemists in Europe”, without however giving any further explanation. Only in 1998 this riddle was revealed, partly at least. Geomantist Peter Dawkins had found an extensive energy line, a so-called ley-line, that passes through France starting from Saintes Maries de-la-Mer (the most important place of pilgrimage of the Sinti and Roma), and running through Bourges and Chartres, and even through England. As many places of the legend of the Grail are located on this line, Dawkins called it the ”line of the Grail”. Exactly this line of the Grail passes through the centre of the seven-pointed star of the Knight Templars. In the North of France it divides the ray of the Sun precisely, and in the South it runs between the rays of Saturn and Moon into the Mediterranean. Mind you that this line of the Grail is not depicted in the old map of the Knight Templars. Could this coincidence be mere chance? Hardly: Sun, Moon and Saturn, the three planetary rays placed on the line of the Grail represent the trinity of body, spirit and soul. In the alchemy they stand for Sal, Sulphur and Mercurius. And if we look at the Vitriol seven-pointed star, the deliberate placement of the seven-pointed star is even more apparent."
All this points to how this dying planet must be resurrected/ healed, and freed from the tyranny of the yang corruptions of bankery, usury, and political, war-mongering hegemony.
best regards pilgrim,
Part of a dialog on Chartres Cathedral
Tony G: I read it said it was to be a bridge between spirit and matter or something to that effect, and I think it succeeded in volumes! Here is the really weird impression that I got at the end, and it was the two arches on either side of this column that spiraled up the wall.... A vast library of knowledge, imbedded in the fabric of the location/place,
AB: Yes, amazing, much of the knowledge is alchemical and much of the symbolisms predate Christianity. The unknown architects were brought from the East by the Templars.
Thanks for your incredibly sensitive analysis!
It is said that no two material objects can occupy the same place at the same time -- but certainly vibrations can. There in that place is a mysterious intersection where souled orbs reeve up like smoke through the walls between worlds, where strangers and angels commingle.
I got the sense that matter is just sensible, tangible vibration and that any number of such vibratory worlds coexist (self bounded by a lightspeed octave as limit). The wall between our world and that of the New Jerusalem may be no thicker than an insect's wing.
Tony G: I read it said it was to be a bridge between spirit and matter or something to that effect, and I think it succeeded in volumes! Here is the really weird impression that I got at the end, and it was the two arches on either side of this column that spiraled up the wall.... A vast library of knowledge, imbedded in the fabric of the location/place,
AB: Yes, amazing, much of the knowledge is alchemical and much of the symbolisms predate Christianity. The unknown architects were brought from the East by the Templars.
Thanks for your incredibly sensitive analysis!
It is said that no two material objects can occupy the same place at the same time -- but certainly vibrations can. There in that place is a mysterious intersection where souled orbs reeve up like smoke through the walls between worlds, where strangers and angels commingle.
I got the sense that matter is just sensible, tangible vibration and that any number of such vibratory worlds coexist (self bounded by a lightspeed octave as limit). The wall between our world and that of the New Jerusalem may be no thicker than an insect's wing.
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