Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hermetic Libraries in Sacred Texts site:

Chartres Green man

Green Man and Green Beasts

Churches and Church carvings

tree of life

Christ as the Architypal Green Man

All 21,241 Chartres images on flickr
chartres grail

The language of the eye, the lang d oc.
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The fact is that Walter Lang reports that Fulcanelli contacted Jacques Bergier (Яков Михайлович Бергёр) to warn French atomic physicist André Hellbronner of man's impending use of nuclear weapons. According to Fulcanelli, nuclear weapons have been used before against humanity being the Abyss pandemonium as noted much later by Dr. Albert Einstein. Dr. Hellbronner and Chevillon among others were assassinated by the Gestapo towards the end of World War II.[3]

The meeting between Jacques Bergier and Fulcanelli took place in June 1937 in a laboratory of the Gas Board in Paris. According to Neil Powell, the following is a translation of the original verbatim transcript of the rendezvous: Fulcanelli told Bergier:

"You're on the brink of success, as indeed are several other of our scientists today. Please, allow me, be very very careful. I warn you... The liberation of atomic energy is easier than you think and the radioactivity artificially produced can poison the atmosphere of our planet in a very short time, a few years. Moreover, atomic explosives can be produced from a few grains of metal powerful enough to destroy whole cities. I'm telling you this for a fact: the alchemists have known it for a very long time... "I shall not attempt to prove to you what I'm now going to say but I ask you to repeat it to M. Hellbronner: certain geometrical arrangements of highly purified materials are enough to release atomic forces without having recourse to either electricity or vacuum techniques... The secret of alchemy is this: there is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a priviliged position vis-à-vis the Universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work." [4]

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The two books by Fulcanelli are

Le Mystère des Cathédrales (The Mystery of the Cathedrals), written in 1922 and published in Paris in 1929.
Les Demeures Philosophales (Dwellings of the Philosophers), published in Paris in 1930.
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fulcanelli explanation in alchemical glossary,M1
le mystere des cathedrals,M1

les demeures philosophales


An old Gaulish name, Wouivre, is given to snakes that glide, to rivers that snake through the landscape, to telluric currents that snake underground from the depths of the terrestrial strata, bringing life that fructifies Earth and Man. The name is also given to such currents as we term cosmic or magnetic. Anyone who has driven across La Bauce, which Waiter Pater called the country of peaches and wine, and seen the cathedral on its mound can easily imagine that the towers draw power from the sky while telluric currents rise through the well to mingle with it. Such places used to be marked with stones we call menhirs; tall stones that localised and condensed the vertilising properties of Earth and Heaven. One can think of the cathedral as such a stone.

Again, the crypt or grotto beneath the cathedral is a dolmenic chamber. A dolmen is found at a spot where the telluric current exercises its action. It is a stone table, resting on supports, that acts like an accumulator and it is capable of vibration, so that it acts as an amplifier as well; it is a drum. Thus, it is in the domenic chamber that man seeks Earth's gift. It seems probable that the cathedral stands over a point where a particular current surfaces, a current that may awaken a man to the spiritual life in him. That is why among all the churches in France that are named for Notre Dame, Chartres is the only one in which no king, cardinal or bishop is interred. The Mound must remain inviolate.

The cathedral, then, is an instrument of high initiation. To be initiated is to be integrated with the play of natural forces and to be penetrated with spirit. There were three stages of progress before the aspirant came to the dolmen-chamber and this journey must lie in the orientation of the cathedral. We note that the apse faces not East but North-East. This probably shews the direction of the telluric current which a man must face, upright, with bare feet, hands raised. To turn the back on it is to reject the gift.

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Fulcanelli Chartres

Fulcanelli's main point, the key to unraveling the mystery, lies in an understanding of what he calls the "phonetic law" of the "spoken cabala," or the "Language of the Birds." This punning, multi-lingual word play can be used to reveal unusual and, according to Fulcanelli, meaningful associations between ideas. "What unsuspected marvels we should find, if we knew how to dissect words, to strip them of their barks and liberate the spirit, the divine light, which is within," Fulcanelli writes. He claims that in our day this is the natural language of the outsiders, the outlaws and heretics at the fringes of society.

It was also the "green language" of the Freemasons ("All the Initiates expressed themselves in cant," Fulcanelli reminds us) who built the art gothique of the cathedrals. Ultimately the "art cot," or the "art of light," is derived from the Language of the Birds, which seems to be a sort of Ur-language taught by both Jesus and the ancients. It is also related to the Sufi text by Attar the Chemist, entitled "The Conference of the Birds." In de Tassey's French translation of this work, which Fulcanelli references, the "conference" of the title is translated as "language." De Tassey goes on to explain the complex linguist metaphor beneath the simple fable. Fulcanelli uses the same method to decode the alchemical meaning of the cathedrals.

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alchemical indigo

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