Friday, July 23, 2010

The Archetype of the Holy Wedding in Alchemy and in the Unconscious of Modern Man The Hermetic alchemical unio corporalis as the background of a modern energetic terminology

"We have seen that for Medieval man the world soul was an indistinguishable unity of spirit, psyche and as well as of matter. Further, it was inside and outside and at the same time – the part as well as the whole. The trouble with such a wholeness is its empirical non-observability, since something that does not have any difference or differentiation, i.e. no energetic aspect, is of course not observable.

In a physical language we could say that such an “object” is in the state of maximal entropy. It is the non-observable oneness described by Carl Jung[2]. As I have shown[3], Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung dealt also with the problem of these terms. In their dispute in the year 1953, as a result of an incredibly interesting discussion they concluded that these terms are just metaphysical ones without any epistemological meaning. Further, in letters to his colleague Franz Kröner Pauli clarified the fact that only an energetical change is observable. Thus, if we can observe a change in such a realm that is only metaphysically defined, we have found an indirect empirical proof for its existence[4].

In order to become observable such a realm should at least contain an energetic property, i.e., an energetic potential out of which a change can happen. In Hermetic alchemical terms such an energetic potential is symbolically defined in the special form of the coniunctio or unio corporalis described above: In the uterus of the queen the king dissolves into atoms, and the latter become the seeds for a new vegetative life. In modern terms we can define such a state as a potential energetic phenomenon.

I am sure that the reader can now realize first what a great revolution the inclusion of the Hermetic alchemical unio corporalis or second coniunctio by Gerardus Dorneus and Robert Fludd has been, and second how this revolution was even extended by the idea of the old king drowning in the uterus of the queen for his rebirth – although this idea of such a reincarnation was only formulated in symbolic images. These ideas compensated unconsciously the one-sidedness of natural science developing soon after with the inclusion of the mathematical standpoint. Expressed in the symbolism of alchemy we can say that the Logos king was and still remains incapable of sacrificing its dominant attitude of beeing in the Heavens and enter the womb of the Eros queen for its regeneration and rejuvenation. Such a transformation is therefore left for us to consciously realize as we begin the 21st century, and my fear is that the Logos king will not resign voluntarily, but will only descend because of apocalyptic events, as for example a world wide intense wave of UFO encounters and especially of abduction phenomena."

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