Friday, June 25, 2010


I have already "stumbled" on a key meditative link to the (1/2 spin) sacred metals:

These are the seven sacred metals already discussed as comprising the alloy of the singing bowls. There are seven bowl types each tuned to a different frequency associated with a chakra. They are B/crown, A/ 3rd eye, G/Throat, F/Heart, E/Solar, D/Sacral, C/Root.

"The seven Metals and seven Planets correspond with the seven Chakras as
follows: Lead and Saturn correlate with the Muladhara Chakra; Iron and Mars
correlate with the Svadhistthana Chakra; Tin and Jupiter correlate with the Manipura
Chakra; Quicksilver and Mercury correlate with the Anahata Chakra (or alternatively
the Sahasrara Chakra); Copper and Venus correlate with the Vishudhi Chakra;
Silver and Luna correlate with the Ajna Chakra; and, lastly, Gold and Sol correlate
with the Sahasrara Chakra (or alternatively the Anahata Chakra).
Of the seven Chakras, only six are visible to the inner eye of the Yogi. Sahasrara,
the so-called seventh Chakra, is an invisible and ineffable centre which cannot be
classified as a Chakra per se. Yet it is with this Invisible Chakra that the Yogi or
Magician seeks to integrate himself. For this so-called Chakra represents the True
Self of the Yogi or Magician which, in Alchemy, is symbolized by the Stone of the

Now the link to the aura and to the nerves.

What will we call it, Integrated Neural/Nuclear Electric Resonance, INNER? lol!

Now there are innumerable centers of Prana in the Subtile Body called Nadis which
are commonly defined as Nerves. Prana is the vital, creative energy in Nature which
animates and maintains all life and it is the subtle link between the visible and the
invisible. Nadis are subtle nerve channels of Prana. The word Nadi is derived from
the Sanskrit root "nad", which signifies motion. The various petals of the Chakras
are Nadis. Prana moves or circulates in the Nadis, governed by the currents of the
Sun and Moon. [I think Sweet mentioned his device waxed and waned in power daily] Purification of the Nadis is one of the most fundamental exercises of Yoga proper.

The Eastern System of Kundalini Yoga affords us a basic clue into the interior
operations of Mystical Alchemy. Kundalini Yoga aims at the awakening of various
centers of psychic force in the Ethereal Body. These are called Chakras or
Cakkrams. Although there is literally a Chakra for every nerve in the body, there are
seven in particular which are of vital importance in the Science of Kundalini Yoga.
These Chakras are symbolized by seven Wheels ascending the spinal column
which the Yogi endeavors to initiate into whirling motion, to awaken their subtle
energies and vitalize his consciousness with their occult currents of power. This is
accomplished by way of awakening the Primary Nerve Current known as the
Kundalini or Serpent Power.

The Serpent (Kundalini) is a phallic symbol, (actually appears, as discussed, as a female/Eve/Ceredwen, Gaia, Earth, or sky male Quatzlcoatl -ab)
representing the creative force of reproduction or Sexual Energy. The Kundalini is
Sexual Energy -- the Libido -- also called Shakti (Power) in the Sanskrit tongue. It is
by this Sexual Power that the Chakras are literally transformed into veritable centers
of cosmic radiation, illuminating the soul, mind and body of the Yogi with the
Celestial Light of the Sun.

This is that same labyrinth serpent curled under Chartres.

A big, old C root chakra singing bowl is on order!

best regards,

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