Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On Nikola Tesla's 150th birthday. I was randomly looking at
some youtube Tesla videos and in one of them (I lost the ref.) there
was a quick flash over a photograph of one of his notebook pages. On
the page was this carefully printed Latin square palindrome. It was
found at Herculaneum:


It's a sort of word mirror.
It translates as "The planter Arepo holds the wheels to their work."

I wonder what sort of clue this is concerning mirror flows,etc. - it's
a bit like that 1961 Escher print "Waterfall."


Well anyway, I wished the old boy a happy birthday, wherever he may be...

Sorry, I really should have phrased it this way
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas

(as verbal vesica piscis/dorge: two mirror phrase flows surrounding the solid symmetrical seed/palindrome Tenet= literally "he/she coheres,holds.")

So this word mirror is a nice little present, wrapped in a box, to us perhaps from Dr T.

The central crux, literally, is TENET . It self mirrors as a palindrome.
The verb translates as "he she it holds, keeps, maintains, restrains."
We could translate the word as " It (reality,say) coheres" in the self
mirrorings of the matrix.

SATOR|ROTAS and AREPO|OPERA are "anti- node/particle" complements as
1/2 palindromic mirror images.

In terms of circulation of forces, when we've reached the system maximum
(1/2 palindrome end) on one side of the mirror, we are at the same moment
at the INVERSE minimum(1/2 palindrome beginning) of the other half.
And so this is the endlessly recirculating work of Nature's wheel -- and the
essence of the spin of the yin and the yang.

The fact that Tesla's famous "wheelwork" as the 1/2 palindromes
"opera rotas " is in here is just too beautiful!

The phrase also suggests what we have been saying wrt the importance of the
human operator as planter/seed bearer and maintainer of the process.


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