out of invisible,
unintelligible worlds
fall on us
like sunlight
on the dreamer
of sunlight.)
Hi D
Light,Color, and Logos Synchronicity here -- yr discussion of phi and phase conjugation - mystery dovetail
I surely don't know where this is leading, but I have a deep sense of things synapsing.
some truth to know the true nature of color and frequency is to know the true nature of reality..... Is this the message in the stained glass at Chartres?
I found Fulcanelli's book, thanks to PLT!
It seems to be missing some important photographic plates.
gothic art goetic art (magic) art gothique argotique art got cot art of light spiritus
And a discussion here concerning Fulcanelli on color:
The man who wrote the small m.s.s. that Fulcanelli stole worked on an
> alteration of form through salt and he noted it down in terms of the
> blue-indigo-violet imbroglio. This creates an inevitable irregularity
> that occurs at the end of one octave and the beginning of the next. The
> same irregularity occurs in the musical octave (the Diabalos in Musica)
> and in the planetary system. This is where the effort has to play -
> where the violet turns to ultraviolet and disappears for our vision.
> This is where the adept attempts to join the end to the beginning -
> have the beast bite its tail.( This is yr energy inversion/recursion, D)
Here is where a new red can be born, the
> red beyond violet, the one that is felt in violet and disappears into
> ultraviolet.
and this
Metallic forms are what we're working on,
> substances we know in their relation to color, not only by their lines
> in spectroscopy, but by other more intuitive ways. (clairvoyance?)
> The result is captured in glass, [does this include the violet indigo stained glass of Chartres said to be made by alchemists?]and here comes the difficult manipulation
> of the decantations which Canselliet's letter (intro to Le Mystere des
> Cathedrales) talks about. The end result will be a glass that is red in
> the mass without being pigmented. We prepared the milieu for the
> phenomenon to happen, but the new octave will be attracted to the
> prepared milieu. Spirit has to be caught in the net, as the Pharaonics
> say. (notice the language reveals a weave pattern, cubic crystalline
> structure is criss crossed). The well established trinity of red,
> yellow, blue, is changed to a quartet, which now includes Indigo. Where
> this leads us: The composed colors have become principal triplicities,
> whereas, the fundamental colors have become the four elements.
HEre is the union of spirit and matter the 3+4=7 and the 3*4=12
red glass has the gold
'monovalent gold monoatomic'stabilized in glass
alchemical rotation
Through circumrotation, or a circular philosophical revolving of the quaternity, it is brought back to the highest and purest simplicity of the monad. Out of the gross and impure One there cometh an exceeding pure and subtile Monad.
Go to source web page>>
When thou hast made the quadrangle round,
Then is all the secret found.
-- George Ripley (d. 1490)
Go to source web page>>
"Monoatomic gold, to give an example of old and new production techniques, was manufactured in the Middle Ages by amalgamating molten gold with heated mercury, then amalgamating further with sulfur and distilling the mercury sulfide off. Our method is to dissolve gold powder in molten sodium metal and then to detonate the mass with water. Precipitating monoatomic gold out of the resultant solution with nitric acid will yield purple monoatomic gold, the ‘purple coat of the king’ as it was called in the Renaissance.
Metallurgical chemists may interject that an attempt to precipitate gold out of alkaline solution by a mineral acid is likely doomed to fail or produce only partial precipitation. Yes indeed! It may be hard to swallow for many that this process requires a direct interaction of the alchemist’s mind with the matter at hand, and that each individual may get a different quantity of purple gold out of the exact same volume of solution. Some may not get any, as I had the opportunity to observe. Furthermore, we should mention in passing that some of the monoatoms produced in the labs of contemporary universities are reported to not be stable. It is again the interaction of the alchemist’s focused will with the material at hand that needs to stabilize the material. Some web-based businesses offer monoatomic gold with the warning that you may experience headaches when taking it. Beware! These unfortunate producers have not mastered the art of stabilizing their products properly. Academic chemists will possibly discard this idea as pure fantasy, but alchemy, correctly performed, delivers stable substances that do not fall apart on their own. Alchemy is after all more an art than a science, and one that has always attempted to bridge the seen and the unseen!"
Go to source web page>>
--- In c_s_s_p@yahoogroups.com, Dell Coleman
> Andrew,
> I think I finally understand what is supposed to be going on with this.
> They described a reflection process by which the energy returns along
> the same path but inverted -- ie phase conjugated. None of this ever
> made sense as a concept - I understood what was actually happening a
> long time ago, but the phase conjugation terminology didnt seem to match.
Viewing the stained glass light to increase your vibration a
The phi phase conjugation must occur through the eyes of the beholder
this will induce a phi resonant supercondution that will phase shift you to the new octave.
you will literally be a new standing wave.
> This is also the alchemical mysterium conjunctionis the reflective union of inversions/opposites male and female.
> So what we really have is a process that generates a signal, but there
> is a reflected standing wave --- or better yet, the signal spins up a
> set of invisible gear wheels OOOOOO -- there is aspden spinup of the
> tempic field in each half-wavelenght as the signal goes by. The big
> misconception among many is that the signal goes to the end and reflects
> back instantaneously. It does not. It goes to the next gear train, and
> part goes back around the loop.
> We established earlier that light takes all paths. There is a bit of
> hidden amplification or focusing in that the circles represent concave
> lenses
> === ( ~~~~~~ this part of Walter Russell's notions.
This brings in the geometry of color
> Some years ago I pointed out to Tom Bearden the inconsistency of forward
> and reverse time going and returning on the same path in his diagram on
> maybe P54 in EFV . The distinction didnt make sense to him because he
> had a math view that negative and positive were just different
> directions, whereas physically you can determine there is a magnetic
> flip that makes travel on the same path impossible.
> So the math is the same, the spatial path is different but now
> consistent and the polarities get accounted for.
> Anyway phase conjugation now makes much more sense
> D
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