Tuesday, June 22, 2010

for capacitors:


"battery , coil ,diode , capacitor ..(nothing else ) & a pushbutton.

OK you push button and current from the battery goes to coil where it
charges up to maximal saturation .. ( Put here time required to do
that) to reach maximal saturation ..

That is the POINT where your COIL amperage is MAXIMAL .

Now switch power off , as field collapses a voltage is GENERATED at x
frequency that is determined by wire end capacitance & interwinding
capacitance & circuit LOAD ...

Put a CAPACITOR, where across a diode the collapsing current in coil
turns to charge, pick the capacitance were a logarithmic RF gain is
GENERATED as RADIANT energy results from the capacitance coil
interaction that RESULT in collecting a JOULE potential within the
CAPACITOR exeding the WATT input required to saturate coil .

>>>> Coil can also be a LAWNMOWER MOTOR !!!! <

Things to NOTE , the coil & core characteristics , low REMANANCE hi
quality utility transformer laminate being the best OFF shelf stuff
or ANY other Hi permeability LOW remanance core material .
as to design AMPERE turn (Henry value (Impedance)) to best
saturation with minimal energy on your CHOSEN working voltage range
(amplitude parameter ) choosing the TIME the power needs to be turn
on to aquire saturation (the Pulse length parameter ) and the best
frequency COIL-capacitor maximal Q design need to COLLECT the reverse
CEMP potential across a diode into a capacitor .. (can be using
second coil with another ampere turn design to collect the 1.618
logaritmic potential within OTHER amplitude range parameter . (energy
pumping) Loss is reversed to gain & amplified .

That sums it Up -applicable to all designs in ZPE R-E (RF) OU power ."


"[Bearden}is the one suppressing meg now , fact is he cant LOAD meg without
Loosing its OU states .. For that he needs Diode plug and extraction
switching method or Complex Reactive conversion filter bridges .

(Ultra bitch hard to tune ) "

RF source is ferrite cores - this is the ferroresonant stuff engineers are instructed to squelch!
This is the nonlinearity that Kron was theorizing about.

from group_15.txt:

"You have to address the way of broadband recovery of the myriad of
cascading damping signals that occur within the single narrow-banded
signal ...(hypersignal)

lets say you have a peak at 128KC in a very sharp spike (narrow-band )
but within that signal you have a very broad-banded set of Hi power RF
microwave signals at 1.6 GHZ from the electron spin regions of the
Iron atoms within the core of ferroxplana ,with a myriad of
sub-harmonics at 1.3 to 4.5 mhz (Way OU )

Its Fact a resonant band pass filter and capture network is needed
and it must be impedance matched as not to kill main reactor resonance
and not reflective to same effect ...

Reread x4 caps setups of past postings and harmonic signal capture
( post on trafos & ferroresonance will give light also )"

evgray message #17444

Re: More Ferro resonance stuff from N and H:

Any 3 PH transformer can be converted to a magnetless Electro Magnetic
Amplifier as is .... MEMA ...

That MAKES MEG obsolete ( apart that in went under OU at reactive or
at any loading )

MEMA Power can be Extracted using the non reflective Diode capacitor
plug system ...

There is a world there in solid state 3 phase power generation ..

Anyway you put it using book rules POWER factor becomes a Phase driver
force in a 3 phase transformer driven with a one phase source , like
RV a CAPACITOR is used to create the virtual 3 phases ...

Result is undeniable overunity due to natural magnetic amplification
factors (RF) within A,B,C phases creation .

Transformers require more delicate tuning since they lack the Rotating
inertia of the iron mass inductive forces , but once resonant states
are achieved ir rotary fields system is quite stable ...

Just be careful and avoid the PM - EMP conditions already mentioned .

All electrical stuff can be fried dead in miles radius !

Not to speak of Peacemaker toting people ...

So play safe and take care to shield things properly and using fast
fuses & safety varistor arresters ...

You still have no idea of the energy contained in an Iron atom !


Yes, H focuses on the iron electrons. Somewhere he says as they exceed lightspeed they gain mass. He has a working theory for the torsion tensor anomalies he has witnessed. That it may also involve spin coherence of iron nuclei is something that has perhaps not occurred to him. It's probably beside the point from his engineering perspective.I don't know from what future texts he downloads from, but I believe he is in touch with unusual information sources, to say the least. This of course also goes along with Kron's ideas wrt Einstein's Unified Field and torsion tensors. H has described temporal anomalies associated with looped motors and these rotating tensors, most recently:

"Want truth .... ?

Looping only brings pain .... LOTS of IT !

RVA humping a DC motor on looped condition produces time portal delay

AS I was charging a battery with it A passing car with loud music past
ourside my lab ...

2 to 3 minutes later the same LOUD music was Heard in the RVA room

I went Ouside to see were the music was coming from (nowhere all silent )

I went inside & the music was coming from the RVA itself ....

I told myself in loud voice Holy SHIT ! as music stopped 3 minutes
later I hear my own voice coming out of the RVA saying Holy Shit .

This along with Searl disk alike weird anomalic shit is what makes
goverment fear looped systems so much as they are only ones with the
time machines and all that area 4 & 51 weird stuff they want to remain
the only ones having it ..."

I would also like to say hi and welcome to A, while noting that above quote from H parallels A's statement:

"Such OU machine can be more brutal in the local density of karma being detoxed in a short time as opposed to receiving shaktipat from say a authentic guru who knows how to monitor the process with his heart. This poses the real engineering problem of designing, using and who is supposed to used an OU machine them in our society."


"What i'm try to say here: the ultimate Overunity machine (OU) is our own body-mind-energy matrix trying to self-realize so in the long run, there is no engineering OU machine to build but only reactivate our own real nature.

Of course to reach illumination, we need a system, a method, a map which is why we have lineages such as yoga, tantra, chaman, reiki, sufi, kabbalah, gnostic,..."

A possible example John Chang,a nei kung master. I found this video last week and just finished a book about him entitled "The Magus of Java" by Kosta Danaos. Chang spent 18 yrs hammering his dan tien into an aetheric homopolar generator. He heals, levitates, condenses and spins chi through his arm bones and out his palms.


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