Saturday, June 26, 2010

Did a quick analysis of the electron config for gold. Not to overlook anything. Since Hector's theories involve the electrons and supraluminal spin??? relativistic effects- and there is some very interesting commentary on this involving gold and light.

look up Hectors relativistic electron stuff. search "pissed"

- admittedly not too many people know of Wallace's research. Protons are 1837 times the mass of the electron. Logical to look for mass effects where there is more mass.
but process also can involve the electrons as another, or perhaps THE intermediary interacting with the nucleas. For example it is known that the lower energy shells orbit closer to the nucleas, there is some evidence of actual (reverse beta?, from memory) exhanges and of course the neutron is a little lika a vesica proton pregnant with an electron... If it were possible to suddenly dump, or cycle, a bunch of upper shell electrons through the lower shells, we'd have a small gear set in the transmission.

The gold d/f electron sub-shells exhibit a 5/7 symmetry pairing. And I just note this in passing as a curious coincidence ... It just occurs to me that ratio is indicated on the cc cross and was Moussa's ratio. The ratio as 10/14 in a most energetic and populated area of the electron cloud that hovers atop the lower shells perhaps just waiting for the right NER, or quantic/ultraphotonic/ "tensile"auric aulight stimulus to cycle lower?


Relativistic effects
For elements with high atomic number Z, the effects of relativity become more pronounced, and especially so for s electrons, which move at relativistic velocities as they penetrate the screening electrons near the core of high Z atoms. This relativistic increase in momentum for high speed electrons causes a corresponding decrease in wavelength and contraction of 6s orbitals relative to 5d orbitals (by comparison to corresponding s and d electrons in lighter elements in the same column of the periodic table); this results in 6s valence electrons becoming lowered in energy.

Examples of significant physical outcomes of this effect include the lowered melting temperature of mercury (which results from 6s electrons not being available for metal bonding) and the golden color of gold and caesium (which result from narrowing of 6s to 5d transition energy to the point that visible light begins to be absorbed). See [1] and [2]).

saintly halos, and buddhaskin always depicted softly aulighted.the lambent gold light just where visible light and the currents of astral light cross their ways.

In non-relativistic quantum mechanics, any atom with an atomic number greater than 137 would require 1s electrons to be traveling (have a mean velocity) faster than the speed of light.

This is what Hector is saying.

The significance of element 137, also known as untriseptium, was first pointed out by the physicist Richard Feynman. Element 137 is sometimes informally called feynmanium (symbol Fy). These properties of element 137 can be linked to the Fine Structure Constant, which is nearly 1 / 137.[2]

However, this approximation is wrong in two ways. First, electrons do not actually move in orbits as predicted by the Bohr Model. Secondly, there is no problem with relativistic quantum mechanics, since arbitrarily large momentum does not imply arbitrarily large velocity, and electrons cannot exceed the speed of light no matter what their energy. The drastic effects caused by high electron energy happen only when the electron exceeds an energy of three or more times its rest energy. Under these circumstances, which require Z's in the 150's-- higher than can be found except in transient collision of heavy nuclei, the extra energy of the electron may be used to create electron-positron pairs.

re other message

time as a bit rate of conscious awareness=information now does a working definition of density. Density now has the frequency flexibility to be reguaged by consciousness by the bit rate oscillation (new hubble constant on the a=n/(n+1) or equivalently n=a/(1-a).expressed algebraically in the Karika, by planck scale of which Planck-Length is (LP=√[hG/2πc3] ). That all of EM rides the tempic signal stream is another measure of resonant conscious control of the density hologram and the spiritual unified field of the Vardas and others of the ancient east.

holographic quantum
geometry of spacetime has two spatial dimensions instead
of three, and the apparent third dimension emerges, by a
hologramlike encoding, along a null projection of a 2D

This just in from Jack Sarfatti (yahoo group Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars)first email I opened this morning;

"Au contraire to Paul M. just posted, but warning it's a 7 meg file

Gennady Shipov and I had same basic idea "independently" at approximately the same time (barring a retrocausal Cramer transaction of course ;-)

On Jan 15, 2009, at 12:29 AM, Gennady Shipov wrote from Moscow Russia:

Dear Jack!

I am admired by your intuition

In order to be able to deal with Einstein's program of unified field theory in
a more professional manner I joined in 1969 the post-graduate course at
Peoples Friendship University after P.Lumumba and in 1972 wrote a thesis
called "General-Relativistic Electrodynamics with a Tensor Potential".

That was a geometrized version of electrodynamics, one that used for
reference frames not only the inertial Lorentz reference frames, but also
accelerated locally Lorentz-like frames, like those of elevators in free fall
in Einstein's theory of gravitation. Now they also involved charges, however!
The general-relativistic electrodynamics was a fundamental deviation from the
principles of the Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics. It admitted coordinate
transformations that corresponded to a transition from an inertial reference
frame to an accelerated locally Lorentz frame, with electromagnetic fields,
like Christoffel symbols in Einstein's theory, following a nontensor law of

The field equations in geometrized electrodynamics looked like Einstein's

Strong electromagnetic fields satisfying the field equations distort
the space of events in geometrized electrodynamics

When I had grasped the main principles and equations of general-relativistic
electrodynamics, I noticed that it possessed an array of unusual properties.
First, new equations became Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics in
a weak-field approximation to not-very-high velocities. Second, it admitted
acceleration radiationless motion of charges in a field of central forces
(a general-relativistic analog of the Bohr principle ), i.e., its
equations contained as a corollary one of its fundamental quantum principles.
Third, solutions of the new vacuum equations R_{ik}=0 of general-relativistic
electrodynamics enabled one to obtain not only the Coulomb potential but
also novel static potentials that were a short-range generalization of the
latter. Fourth, the energy of the electrostatic field of a charge in geometrized
electrodynamics appeared to be a finite quantity.

Shipov Gennady

Elementary physics
Only accelerating charges radiate
Charges on geodesics do not accelerate

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 14, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Paul M wrote:

What the heck does this mean? You should leave old ideas alone!

--- On Wed, 1/14/09, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
From: Jack Sarfatti
Subject: Gravity & stability of atomic orbits
To: "Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars"
Cc: "SarfattiScienceSeminars@YahooGroups. com"
Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 4:23 PM

I return to an old idea I hadat birkbeck and ictp in early 1970s.If electrons in bound atomic stationary energy eigenstates are on geodesics in salam's strong short range gravity field then they do not radiate. Therefore Bohm's quantum potential and the gravity field are the two faces of Janus .Entanglement from wheeler Feynman cramer zigzag transaction.See gilder's bookThe age of entanglementSent from my iPhone

Dell's bubble boundary must, during some energy regime, signal it's presence with 4Dwavelets(this is some kind of timespace hyperfunction) in and through the denser medium to exchange.

But in pundit scientific lingo this would be unification of gravity, electromagnetic, and radioactive weak forces "unified electroweak force" and the strong forces that bind quarks, the basic constituents of protons and neutrons.

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